
Последние обзоры PerkyAF

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Played few hours now and things have started to heat up with bandit fights, getting my car sorted. I gotta say this game is amazing. For the survival series it really does top the rest already for me! I see complaints about balancing which I do agree to some extent, especially things such as the walking speed, stamina regen isn't all that bad as it adds a level of difficulty where you constantly need to be aware of it incase of fights to retreat to a better vantage point against bandits. But yes, walking a little faster would be cool for gathering and farming to! Hunger/Thirst I haven't had any issues with yet as I have stock piled ample amounts of food and drinks to keep me going.

Fights are intense, sneaking around bandit camps and zombies to get a good chance to take them out is really cool and draws you into each encounter.

I've found out also that this game is made solely by Rati the developer. This is a one man studio that has created a game which is looking to be an extremely good addition to the survival genre! Can't wait to see more!

I don't know if this is allowed but I'm recording my progress and this link is for episode 1 with episode 2 coming shortly! Videos will come twice daily along with my other content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gRDZfBckHU&t=1759s
Опубликовано 18 августа 2018 г.. Отредактировано 18 августа 2018 г..
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