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Recent reviews by AhnoldRunningMan

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151.3 hrs on record (138.7 hrs at review time)
This is one of those rare games you say to yourself "You know, they should make that game open world!"
Turns out it actually works and is better then you thought it would be.
Posted 16 April, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
355.3 hrs on record (90.1 hrs at review time)
Love this game!
Posted 12 March, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
195.7 hrs on record (172.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Things/tips to be aware of when purchasing this game:

Render distance issues:
alot, ALOT of broken things are in the game one of the most persistant ones is that the render distance when at the highest is still really low. When players are at the end of your render distance they are shown naked and as T-Poses also sometimes remain that pose even when you get close to them but that is rare. With the T-poses it makes it simingly impossible to know where to shoot at a distance as that person could be crouching or prone so when you see this its best to aim for the crouch and pray! as you will either hit their lower body or their head depending if that actual person is crouching or prone. Be aware that in PVE or PVP if you put cars close to walls or any sort of that matter they will explode. If you store newly found cars in your bases be aware that any player can see those cars at a distance dispite you having walls up to conceal them as walls dont render until that player gets closer. Thus ultimatly everyone dystroying your found cars with explosive arrows and thats pretty much become the norm of the game as its been since the beginning. Watching gun fights at a distance looks like a puppet show. Bullet contact will show at your supposed render distance rather then where its actaully hitting and will actually look like dirt hits rather then confirm hits making it extremely hard to understand where the hell your shooting or where other players are shooting. As again you will see them in T-Poses. Honstly stay the ♥♥♥♥ away from any long distance fights as much as possible. Players can fade out of your render distence way too easy dispite you seeing zombies, enviroment, etc. beyond that point of fading.

Be prepared to be called a Hacker:
If your aim is on point at any point of the day get ready to be called a hacker as everyones main result of dying is from a "hacker". To be honest this game just needs alot of work, you will die by what it seems and feels like a hacker but its really just people actually playing the game. The hacker phrase gets thrown literally after anyone dies by anything in this game. Hell, you can die from within your base by a player but again that only happens becuase the render distance breaks everything down for them.

It way too easy to noclip:
Imma take a risk and talk about the many exploits, not going to say how or where they are. The game is broken... its pretty prominate. There are many walls and various buildings you can glitch through either by accident or taken advantage by players. Also Lag makes cars and people go flying this game does not handle lag well at all. If your lagging you have the advantage as to others you are Instant Transmissioning DBZ style all over the place. Theres multiple noclip glitching within curtain buildings that I absollutly lothe as its just too easy to get access to. I always find myself dying by people that use these exploits which is why I stay away from cities. Thats just about all I am going to say about that.

With all that this game is still a good game. The crafting is Dead Island addictive only thing missing is DEObombs. Having a group makes this game a thousand times more enjoyable. This really needs a guild system as it gets annoying having to wait for the person that first built base camp has to be within your group in order to expand or construct bases near base camp. as you are not the owner of that base. Then it just looks ugly having to build your base like 5 feet away from your group leaders base if they are not online. Therefore a guild system would be a good idea.
Posted 31 October, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
53.2 hrs on record (27.3 hrs at review time)
Processor: AMD FX-8350
MotherBoard: ASUS M5A9X EVO R2.0
Graphics Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960
Hard Drive: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SATA, WD Black 1TB Hard Drive
RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury 16GB
They finally did it! I take back everything I said it absolutly great on the PC now!
Posted 31 October, 2015. Last edited 13 January, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
32.2 hrs on record (22.8 hrs at review time)

+ Control just feels flawless and flows with each movement cept the parkhour in the game
+ Good picks of characters when you start the game.
+ Addictive Gameplay mechanics along with fun character Traits.
+ Awsome looking guns
+ Gratifying when you accomplish many amounts of kills in seccession.
+ automatically get 1000 credits every first match of the day. Credits are also very easily earned if you focus on the missions given everyday.

- Character traits are very exploitive example: there can be 3 skyhammers and they can use airstrikes in succession if timed correctly but most of the maps are pretty little in open space so it kinda evens it out.
- lots and lots of grinding but what do you expect from a f2p or games in general
- the parkhour is very inconsistent or lack there of
- Objectives/matchmaking gets a little repetitive BUT they are getting worked on!
- Knifes are complete trash for use of. The Cricket Bat is your best option for getting anysort of melee kills.
- cant party up with friends till level 5 and you can only party up in competitve matchmaking which is pretty broken atm in my opinion.
- Its a Free 2 Play of course there are some broken things that a person cant escape like fighting cobalts when your less then level 4 cuz you bearly have anything unless you buy a charcter and try your luck at the slots machine.
Posted 17 July, 2015. Last edited 17 July, 2015.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries