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发布于:2020 年 12 月 11 日 下午 5:30
更新于:2023 年 10 月 27 日 上午 1:22

I really enjoyed the game when it came out. It's become one of my favorites but is full of issues. Thankfully I didn't experience any of the major bugs most people were getting besides my car randomly getting sent 50ft in the sky/ or being squished under the map. It wasn't until I finished my 3rd play-through and tried returning to earth that somehow my save got corrupted and put me in an endless loop. I'm stuck repeating the last mission then after the credits finish I get kicked to the main menu instead of getting put back into the world.

I'd recommend the game but the fact that I lost a 100 hour save completely made me lose any interest in playing and retrying to gain back what I lost. Once a few more bugs are fixed it'll be great but until then you're better off saving your money.
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