
Ballin Penguin 最近的評論

目前顯示第 1-3 項,共 3 項
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 224.0 小時 (評論時已進行 80.4 小時)
good game with friend
張貼於 2021 年 10 月 13 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
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總時數 414.8 小時 (評論時已進行 389.3 小時)
Comparative Essay on Themes between Merchant of Venice and To Kill a Mockingbird
Although it is discussed that humanity has moved on from the past, some topics are still Mockingbird take place in very different time periods. Aside from the general differences, both texts yet show a similarity in the themes that they present, the major themes being racism, gender inequality, and friendship. These themes are very important aspects throughout both texts and are distinctly shown even though they are not shown at the same level of importance within each text. Merchant of Venice and To Kill a Mockingbird share the themes of racism, gender inequality, and even friendship but show it in different time periods.
Firstly, racism is one of the most popular themes that influential texts share and is still an issue to this date. In Merchant of Venice, it is most likely the most important theme which determines the story of the play. In Merchant of Venice, a lot of racism is shown between the characters Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, and Antonio whom is a Christian merchant, whom strictly hate each other because of differing religious beliefs. In Merchant of Venice it is stated “How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian;” (Shakespeare. I.iii.36-37). This quote explains why Shylock, a person of Jewish faith, hates Antonio. The reason strictly being the fact that Antonio is Christian and therefore he must not interact with him. This very clearly shows the racism discussed throughout the play. On the other hand, in the text To Kill a Mockingbird, racism is not as definite but is surely recognizable. In To Kill a (Oh and ♥♥♥♥ you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥...)[b/]
張貼於 2016 年 12 月 21 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 3,879.4 小時 (評論時已進行 1,334.0 小時)
CS:GO 評論
PRetty JAck
張貼於 2016 年 1 月 30 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
目前顯示第 1-3 項,共 3 項