
Последние обзоры The Shrubbery

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81.5 ч. всего (4.2 ч. в момент написания)
Before anything else ill say most of the people are dramatic or petty to review it at the lowest rating. Like any game, the launch isn’t perfectly optimized.
However, my mid high pc that used to be top tech with a 2080ti and I9-9900k runs the game at a minimum 70fps on highest settings when a lot is going on but most of the time its 90-114. Only time it tanks is in the big ass city that has no loading screens and real time npc tasks, so i forgive it until later patches because not only is that fantastic to see but of course that is process intensive.

Actual review
I put over 1k hours into the original and dark arisen on xbox and more on pc so with a few hours gameplay I already can tell i will easily put that much into this game.
The graphics are phenomenal and the combat is even better than the first game. The npc’s and pawns feel much more alive and I enjoy the story more so far than the first game. As far as micro transactions go that everyone is whining about, they are just convenience items that you can acquire on your own and aren’t hindered without.
Honestly, I can understand a little big of frustration for people to not have the specs to play this game out the gate but either wait or refund and play on console. There are plenty of games with rough launches that end up being cherished with time, and the developers being rushed by the big boss don’t deserve their game to be disrespected because it truly is fantastic and im having a blast playing it.
Опубликовано 24 марта 2024 г..
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554.3 ч. всего (110.2 ч. в момент написания)
How I spend my time in HOI 4

* Start a glorious campaign with a fellow friend who too wishes to meme
* Choose luxembourg
* Friend chooses Poland
* Struggle to win against Belgium and Netherlands
* Manages to obtain France, Belgium, and the Netherlands with friend's help
* Friend manages to cheat Germany from taking Czechoslovakia lands
* Spends too much time crying over lack of manpower
* Suddenly notices that where Russia used to be is now Poland
* Uses what little manpower I have to help friend conquer the world
* Win global domination

* Start new campaign as china and poland again
* Control all of Asia, North America, and half of Europe under the Meme Empire
* Build over 2,000 divisions as China and still have over 34 million manpower at disarmed nation conscription laws.
* Continue to make friend jealous by recruiting 100 divisions at the same time because memes
* Once again achieve global domination under the rule of the Meme Empire.
Опубликовано 12 октября 2016 г.. Отредактировано 12 октября 2016 г..
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87.5 ч. всего (45.3 ч. в момент написания)
I will begin by saying that you should not judge my knowledge by steams hour record. I began playing dragons dogma, and the dragons dogma: dark arisen on the xbox 360 years ago and easily had 1000+ hours.

The good about the game:
Amazing combat mechanics
Great storyline
Extremely detailed customization
Unique character class customization
Can switch classes and level them up to make them more powerful at your leisure
Immense amount of side quests
A reward system that actually feels rewarding
AI you can actual care for
Endless replay-ability
There is always an area that can give you a challenge in the game ( Yes even at max level with the best gear in the game)

The Bad:
The game can be unforgiving with deaths
Some bosses will make you rage ( Especially on Bitter Black Isle )
♥♥♥♥♥♥ UR- Dragon Online Mode fight is a pain in the ass to kill.

P.S: I don't really think there is anything wrong with the game, I just wanted to let people know that this game can piss you off in a glorious way :D
Опубликовано 26 мая 2016 г.. Отредактировано 26 мая 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
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377.8 ч. всего (236.1 ч. в момент написания)
Punched a Skulldozer, got backhanded and went into custody.
10/10 would punch again.
Опубликовано 2 октября 2015 г..
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