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24.5 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 2,535.8 hrs em registo (476.8 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 22 nov. 2018 às 8:36
Atualizada: 22 nov. 2023 às 10:21

The game that finally helped me with my WoW addiction. But, now I think I have an ESO addiction. Hmm...

The diverse, detailed, interesting quests with a close-up, voice-acted quest-giver make the game feel very immersive. I've played almost 500 hours and only feel like I'm about 1/8 of the way through the questing!

Edit 11/26/2020:
I'm up to nearly 1000 hours and am still enjoying myself, though I do take long breaks to play other games. I really think it's the voice acting and the varied writing that are the reasons I've stayed with it so long. Sometimes I think I know where a quest-line is going, but then I'm pleasantly surprised with the unexpected outcome.

Edit 11/22/2023:
Took a little break but am now up to more than 1600 hours. Currently it's the festivals and events that reel me back in, though I still have lots of quests left to complete throughout Tamriel. Such a pretty game with lots and lots to do!
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