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45 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 5.1 saat
Vietnam ‘65 ist ein rundenbasiertes Strategie Spiel inwelchem man die USA spielt und gegen die CV und NVA der Vietkong kämpft. Während ihr versucht durch Siege und Eroberungen im Schlachtfeld die Gunst des Volkes und die eurer Regierung zu erhalten, welche als Währung zum Rekrutieren von neuen Einheiten benötigt wird, müsst ihr Zeitgleich eure Truppen auch Verosrgen, Mienen Räumen, Wälder roden, den Feind auskundschaften und Informationen von Vietcong Dörfern über den Feindaufenhalt herausfinden. Ist auf jedenfall nett gemacht, aber für den Preis sollte man natürlich kein Riesenspiel mit tausenden Einheiten erwarten. Des Key habe ich für Reviewzwecke vom Publisher erhalten.

Günstiger Preis
Leicht verständliches Tutorial
Guter Wiederspielwert
Leichtes Handling
Keine Bugs gefunden

Nach einer weile etwas Eintönig
Wenig Einheiten

Interessantes kleines rundenbasiertes Strategie Spiel zu einem günstigen Preis.
Leider wirkt es aufgrund der wenigen Einheiten etwas Eintönig. Für diesen Preis von derzeit 8,99€ Ich würde eine Kaufempfehlung für Freunde von rundenbasierten Strategiespielen aussprechen, wer aber eher auf Echtzeitstrategie steht, sollte hier vieleicht lieber die Finger davon lassen.

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Yayınlanma 5 Mart 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
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40 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 9.3 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
TOTM (pronounced Totem) is a new MOBA game that has been recently greenlit on Steam and is still very much early Alpha at the time of this review but shows a lot of promise. As described by its developers, "TOTM is a multiplayer action game with real-time strategy elements." Based on current gameplay there is still a lot of work to be done but a lot of the more complex elements have been worked out by the developers already, such as creating their own custom 3D graphics engine (which is pretty neat). Current gaming options are very limited due to it being Early Access so there is no dedicated server available for finding multiplayer opponents yet but you can still add up to three AI opponents that will put your skills to the test until the game is complete.

In TOTM, players will select which creature (only two current options: a raven or a bear) to play as and spawn at a totem shaped in that image. Using their unique spells and abilities they will explore the expansive map battling mobs of creeps to increase their levels and pick up valuable items which can be used or sold in the store. The eventual goal is to be strong enough to defeat your opponent by destroying their totem and all of this is to be done while also protecting your own totem. Be sure to search out special sites on the map that will enable you to summon powerful elemental beings to aid you in your quest. Players will also want to take advantage of the portals scattered on the map to move around more quickly because the map is rather large.

While the developers are still working on improving the graphics, they already look amazing. Right now there is only one map and I am not certain whether more will be added but the terrain is amazing. Playing as animals and running through the rugged mountains and patches of forest definitely gives the player a feel of nature. The animal textures look realistic and according to the developers there is still more refinement in the works. Another recent announcement states that a professional composer has been hired so expect some background music to be added in the future.

The Good:


+ Solid graphics and textures
+ Unique game concept
+ Special abilities that players can upgrade
+ Simple controls and smooth movement
+ Full controller support
+ Price reasonable
+ Active developers who welcome feedback

The Bad: (subject to change)


+ Limited character options (only 2)
+ Map navigation difficult with no directional compass
+ Currently only 1 map
+ Still a few bugs (not gamebreaking)
+ Needs more variety of mob creeps and strengths
+ No settings to adjust brightness or contrast

Final Thoughts:


Being Early Access, it is expected that a lot of features still need to be implemented or improved upon but TOTM could be a huge success. The game is playable in its current form and the developers seem genuinely interested in receiving feedback as they continue working towards completion. Given its affordable price I would recommend grabbing a copy now because if this game reaches its full potential the price could easily double.

*** I used a stemkey provided by the developer for review purpose ***

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 4 Mart 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
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78 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
6 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 11.5 saat
Saints Row Gat out of Hell ist ein innovativer und günstiger Nachfolger der Saints Row Episoden. Ihr spielt entweder als Johnny Gat oder als Kinzie Kensington, während ihr beim Versuch, die Seele des Anführers der Saints zu retten, die Hölle in Schutt und Asche legt. Das Spiel lässt es zu das ihr mit einem Freund die komplette Kamapgne und jedes Minigame im Koop Modus spielen könnt. Der Koopmodus wurde entsprechend optimiert, sodass die Tutorials nun auch zu zweit zu meistern sind, und jeder Kooppartner die gleiche Handlugnsfreiheit hat. Das Innovative Gameplay in der Hölle ist von der Aufmachung und Steuerung an die anderen Saintsrow Teile angeknüpft und besticht wieder mit einem sehr Gamerfreundlichem Handling. Ganz große Klasse. Das Spiel ist leider kürzer wie die anderen, aber kostete zum release auch nur 1/3.

Der Koop Modus
Günstiger Preis
Open World Map
Viele Waffen
Gute Musik
Innovatives Gameplay und Story
Steamachievments, Steamcloud &. Steamsammelkarten
Sehr leichtes handling und volle Controller Unterstützung

Keine Radiostationen
Etwas kurz

Ich kann für den aktuellen Preis on 19.99€ eine uneingeschränkte Kaufempfehlung abgeben. Anfangs ist es das Fliegen etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aber spätestens nach 1-2 Std kommt ihr von diesem Spiel nicht mehr weg.

Gesammtwertung: 9/10 - MUSTHAVE

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Yayınlanma 2 Mart 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Nisan 2015.
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46 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 15.6 saat
*** I used a stemkey provided by the developer for review purpose ***

Before jumping into this review I want to make one thing perfectly clear. My review of this game is going to based on what the game actually is and not what I think or feel it should be, unlike so many others on the internet who have been swift in their criticisms mostly for all the wrong reasons. The expectations are naturally high due to the popularity of the Warhammer franchise, but an apple is never going to taste like an orange nor is a hex-based tactical game going to play like an RTS. It seems like everyone is forgetting that the Warhammer 40,000 series began as a board game (similar to games like BattleTech, etc) and was first released on PC as a turn-based strategy wargame in 1998. Since that time, Warhammer has been released in many gaming genres including FPS, Action, and RTS (just to name a few) so perhaps many people simply are not aware of its origins. Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is intended to breath life into a genre that has been increasingly neglected and offer its fans a different flavor of gaming.

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a solid turn-based strategy game that feels very similar to Panzer Corps, which is another game made by the same publisher. Many have said that it is simply the same game but skinned over with the Warhammer brand, but its not. The user interface is exactly the same and it does use the same game engine but that's where the similarities end. Armageddon features very detailed 3D graphics, a completely different Ai since most combat is ranged, a unique and extensive upgrade system for units, and most importantly, a storyline which plays out over the course of 30 missions with varying objectives. So, while it is based on the Panzer Corps concept, it is not the same game.

This game includes over 300 variations of Warhammer units that will surely keep most fans happy. Throughout the campaign players get to keep their core units and upgrades as long as they survive each mission. The maps are intricately designed and offer a variety of terrains that influence combat modifiers. The gameplay is very simplistic and accommodating for most any player. The developers are still active in improving the game and have recently released a free DLC that includes 5 new missions. Several patches have been released already to improved game balancing and a few other issues while adding some new things, which leaves me optimistic about future patches. This game also features a multiplayer feature that gives it extra replay value.

However, like most games, it does have its downfalls as well. Due to its recent release and its infamous name, this game currently carries a hefty price tag considering its content and lack of DLC packages. Since it was intended to be suitable for all types of players, it falls short in truly challenging experienced wargame fans. some of the components are vague at best and fall short of their intended purpose. Glory points are a good example of this. Players receive them, but what are they actually used for? The user interface could use a bit more tweaking as well but it is functional in its current state. Many of the units are strikingly similar and fail to deliver a truly diverse array of combat options.

The Good:


+ Highly detailed units unique to Warhammer
+ Virtually bug-free
+ Solid campaigns with a good storyline
+ Multiplayer for added replay value
+ Steam Trading Cards
+ Intelligent AI
+ Unit upgrade system
+ Level editor included
+ Active developers
+ Free DLC adding extra gameplay

The Bad:


+ Falls short of challenging experienced genre veterans
+ Lack of unit diversity
+ User Interface needs improved still
+ Some elements are still vague or pointless
+ Expensive

Final Thoughts:


Overall, this is a fun game and fans of turn-based strategy games or the Warhammer universe in general will enjoy this game. Initial reviews were mixed for a variety of reasons, mostly due to the Warhammer name without an RTS style, but many improvements have been made since the game's initial release and more are in development. While its current base price will scare many away, not picking this game up on sale would be a mistake.

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 1 Mart 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
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50 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 7.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 5.1 saat)
Victor Vran ist ein isometrisches Action-Rollenspiel mit einer riesigen Auswahl an Waffen, Gegenständen, Outfits und mysteriösen Dämonenkräften und Schicksalskarten. Erlebt intensive Kämpfe mit Dutzenden von Feinden, die von allen Seiten auf Euch einstürmen!

Den Key für dieses Spiel habe ich von einem Onlineversandhaus geschenkt bekommen.

+Super grafik
+Die Kämpfe machen spaß und jede Waffen art bringt unterschiedliche Kampfstile hervor
+Die waffe nsind unterschiedlich, von Nahkampf bis zur Schuffwaffen
+Sehr Gute Kontroller, Menü und Spielumsetzung. Leichtes Handling!
+Die komplette Story wird erst am Releastag (im Mai 2015) zur verüfgung stehen, und damit erhöt sich der Wiederspielwert enorm.
+Kurze Early Access zeit und bekanntes Studio (Macher von Tropico und Omerta)
+Ich habe keinen einzigen Bug gefunden.
+Gute Musik
+Genialer Koopmodus ist geplant und dauert nicht mehr lange.
+Viele unterschiedliche Gegner
+Man kriegt Schicksaalskarten, welche Specialbuffs bewirken.
+Verschiedene Konsumgüter
+Man kann springen, was immer gut ist bei dieser art von Spiel.
+Arena wird resetet, so kann man immer zurückgehen um nochmal zu looten
+Man hat auserdem Magische "Dämonen"Fähigkeiten, welch auch sehr gut gewählt sind.
+Die Entwickler sind im Communtiy Hub aktiv und hören auf Ideen der Spieler.

-Keine Sprachausgabe
-Keine Steamsammelkarten

Gesammtwertung 8/10

Ich kann eine klare Kaufempfehlung für das Spiel aussprechen, wie fast alle Spiele von "Haemimont Games" sind die Spiele immer Qualitativ hochwertig und man merkt es auch hier. Das Handling ist wirklich easy und das ist für die art von Spiel ja ein absolutes muss. Der Early Access Einblick bietet für wenig Geld schonmal Spaß im vorraus, wenn auch der Storymodus so noch nicht komplett freigeschaltet ist.

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Yayınlanma 28 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 16 Haziran 2015.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
56 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 16.6 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
*** Der Key für dieses Spiel wurde vom Publisher zur Verfügung gestellt ***

Imagine Earth is a world simulation/strategy game that is currently available in Early Access, and i got a Key from the dev to test it. Here is my review: Earth has been almost completely ruined and your job as a colony manager is to help setup and run profitable colonies on distant planets to earn some big bucks for your company. Balancing your resources in this game is very important and putting too much pressure on any one of power, money, food or goods (for consumption) can seriously affect your chances of being successful.

+Graphics are quite nice though some of the textures aren't particularly high quality
+Simple UI which suits the game well and clearly displays the information you need
+There is a sandbox mode where you can create your own worlds to colonize as well as the campaign mode
+Relaxing to play and doesn't require full attention
+Your actions have direct consequences on the climate and if your carbon dioxide emissions get too high
+A wide variety of buildings that are unlocked as you progress
+As you progress through the game you unlock new technologies and upgrades to technology/buildings you already have which increase the effectiveness of your colony
+Buildings have a cool design
+The world's are quite different to each other
+Five different speed settings
+Nice soundtrack
+Steam leaderboards

+/-Updates aren't released very frequently but there are only two developers so it is understandable

-For what it is the €22,99 in germany / and 24,99$ USA price tag feels a bit overpriced especially as there are currently only 5 missions in the game and those five missions have little replay value
-Currently no Steamworks features


A good world simulation game but due to its high price I would suggest waiting for the game to get a sale or significantly more content.

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 26 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
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39 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 1.6 saat
A Very challenging and fun Tactical Shooter.

You control your units to breach and swat the place, taking out the terrorists, Rescuing hostages, Defusing Bombs, Arresting a suspect, Doing a Drug bust, Or securing the VIP, Along with challenges in each mission they are all fun to do.

Leveling up your squad unlocks other classes, Breacher class and assaulter class and more.
Assault class = Rifle + pistol and gear, Breacher = Shotgun + gear ... and one with a big shield + pistol and a stealth one.
The tactics in the game are pretty hard and requires some thinking.
You can switch to real-time or planning mode anytime by pressing space.

Classes to chose from, Changing your equipment and support gear, Grenades, lock-picking kits and much more, It all makes this game much more fun in its approach.

About 80 levels in single mission mode, Which gets harder the higher you go, They are all unique and wonderfully made
5 Campaigns with the caption ( More coming soon ), Each campaign has around 4-9 levels, The difference between it and single mission mode is that in campaign you get your squad, and when they die in a mission they stay dead in the next one, So it gets harder in the ending of each campaign so you gotta be careful and usually forced to restart after 2 dies or more.

Each level you can deploy 2-8 units, Depends on the level some cant be more than 2 though ( At the beginning ).
And customizing their gear to suit the level needs.

KickingDoors never been so fun! but you can also use a spy-cam to peak through it, and throw a flash-bang or a stinger through the door, or plant a Breaching charge which you plant on the door and detonate it with a click to knock or kill the enemies, or shoot the hell out of it with a shotgun or beat it with a crowbar!

The game requires strategy and planning you cant just keep charging in, You can assign each unit to A B C D, And give it its own plan and it will hold until you call one of those orders, For an example you can make your shield-unit goes first and orders all others to standby.

Doctrine points that you acquire when your squad level goes up, Assign its points to a skill tree to add abilities and improve your units accuracy and much more.

Custom mission generator, You choose the type of mission, Size, And difficulty to achieve endless possibilities to what mission you can have, So yeah you will spend a lot of time on this game.

And of-course the level editor, With hundreds of community created maps And its an easy to use editor if you want to make your own screwed up hard as nail level :).

Achievements to make the game even longer and more fun, I'd say about 20+ hours to finish it all maybe if you are good, And more to experience the level editor and community maps and random generator.

And i'd diffidently say with absolute certainty that the game is worth its full price ... no doubt, gave me so much fun and thrill.

Level designing is great, Sound effects are good and the music sets the mood for you to focus on your strategy and plan your next move.

So to put it shortly.

1 - Very challenging tactical shooter game that relies on strategy and thinking.
2 - Grinding type of game, 20-30 hours to get the full experience in it, and as you can see in other reviews some spent WAY more than that.
3 - Good art-style, And the music is to die for.
4 - World editor, Random mission generators, Various missions and campaigns to sink your teeth in, Mods and more.
5 - Steamachievments + Steamtradingcards
6 - Steamcloud

1 - Some levels felt a lot harder than the rest which made it very frustrating to handle for a while.
2 - Sometimes the units do not respond as I hope they would, and blocks each other and stops, Its a rare freak accident but still it happens.
3 - After a lot of hours on the game it starts to feel repetitive

X - This may or may not be a con depends on you entirely, Lack of tutorials, The game basically has non only a how to play animated slideshow, Still does not explain most stuff that is left for you to figure out, Some hates this so just a small note here.

In short.
A Very hard, Very Fun, And very addictive tactical shooter game that needs your full attention and planning skills to forward to the next level, Or you can charge and kill everything in real-time mode.
If you ever liked A tactical type game and likes to carry a gun and kick doors then look no further because this is the trophy.

*** I used a stemkey provided by the developer for review purpose ***

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 24 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
96 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
3 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 16.1 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Salt is an Open World Exploration Survival game, and it plays just like that. Salt is in Early Access and review may change.


The graphics in salt are very well done for a 15.00$ title. The trees, Grass , and open sea are all beautifully rendered. I enjoyed looking at the sunsets , and sunrises through the trees as the light covered the island. However, the Pirates and Bossses are a reminder to why this is a 15.00$ title, and in early access. 8/10


The Ambient Sounds of Birds chirping, and the wind flowing through the trees and grass is amazingly well done. gives a great sense of atmosphere. The music seems to come and go at the right moments and adds to the game where it needs to. 8/10


Theres so much to do here. Its a huge world to explore and all randomly generated by the seeding system. I admit I spent the first few hours trying to figure out what to do, but eventualkly you get the hang of it. There is no tutorial. So crafting is a lot of Trial and Error. It has a crafting system that allows you to build Boats, Weapons, armor, even bombs! As you explore different islands you can find materials and even fight Pirates!

Overall Opinion

I enjoyed my time in Salt so far, LavaBoots studio has what could be a hit on their hands. A Brilliant getaway from the Zombie infested survival game. For a 15.00$ early access game I would say it is totally worth it for this genre. Salt is a wonderfully fun and fulfilling exploration game. 8/10

*** I used a stemkey provided by the developer for review purpose ***

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 24 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
56 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
5 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 23.5 saat
Der zweite Teil von The Book of Unwritten Tales kann devinitiv an den grandiosen ersten Teil der Serie anknüpfen.
Man hat 3 Hauptcharaktere und einen Nebencharakter, aber ich will nun nichts Spoilern, daher schreibe ich bewusst nicht mehr dazu. Aber was ich schreiben kann:

Es ist im vergleich zu anderen Click & Point Spielen wesentlich anspruchsvoller, größer und ist aufgrund seiner grafik sowie der humoristischen Gestaltung ein Genuss zu spielen. Das Sahehäubchen sind die Sprecher der vollen deutschen Sprauchausgabe, denn diese passen perfekt ins Spiel und die epische Musik ist in meinen Ohren das neun plus Ultra, und rundet das Spiel komplett ab.

Der Key für dieses Spiel wurde vom Publisher für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt

Langanhaltender Spielspaß
Humorvolle Gestaltung
ausgewogener Schwierigkeitsgrad
Die Musik ist episch.
Full HD Auflösung
Volle deutsche Sprachausgabe
Stimmige Sprecher
Steam Errungenschaften
Steam Sammelkarten

Es ist nicht direkt ein Kontra, aber manchmal ist es wirklich schwer weiter zu kommen
Aber ansonsten fällt mir einfach nichts negatives ein!

Es ist eines der humorvollsten und längsten Click and Point / Adventure Spiele auf dem Markt.
Wer den ersten Teil mochte, oder allgmein das Genre mag, derjenige sollte sofort zuschlagen, denn der Preis ist aufgrund des langen Spielspaßes mehr als nur gerechtfertigt. Gesammtwertung: 9/10

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Yayınlanma 20 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
68 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 3.2 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
The Repopulation is a deep, complex MMO, that manages to encapsulate a vast amount of staples from a ton of genres into one game. Using the same engine as SWTOR, it has beautiful visuals, engaging combat, and a crafting system with such depth, it leaves other sandbox MMOs looking for their shovels. Being early access it also has it’s fair share of bugs, glitches, and a general lack of sheen that is common among other early access titles.

As a new player entering the game, you are given an introductory training that allows you to explore the various aspects of skill development such as crafting, pet handling, and combat. This enables you to start making decisions about the direction you wish to take your character in. When you’ve completed this, which isn’t a neccessity, but highly recommended, you can exit the instance, and begin your journey. This is where pretty much everything is left up to the player to craft their own story in the world, with missions available to help give some direction to those who wish to take it.

Whether or not you’ve played a sandbox game before, I highly recommend looking at the various guides and visiting the forums, as there is a lot of useful information, that without will probably leave a lot of players scratching their heads.

Overall, the game is in a very playable state, has lush music (when it plays) and fills a hole in the SCI-FI MMO space, which was left with the absence of the previous Star Wars MMO.

*** I used a stemkey provided by the developer for review purpose ***

If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group: Follow Original Curator Group
Yayınlanma 16 Şubat 2015. Son düzenlenme 5 Haziran 2015.
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249 sonuçtan 221 ile 230 arası gösteriliyor