Madness Combat is an animated web series created by Matthew D. Jolly, better known by the pseudonym Krinkels. Launched on September 25, 2002, Madness Combat currently has 15 episodes. The musical score is mostly done by Sean Hodges, otherwise known as Cheshire.
The hallmark of Madness Combat is excessive and brutal violence. While the first episodes showed mass violence without any intricate plot, as the series developed, elements of science fiction began to appear more and more often, and the plot, starting with Madness Combat 5: Depredation, began to acquire a more complex and confusing character. The events of the series take place "Somewhere in Nevada."
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70 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 25 de jan.
Proezas   18 de 57
2.730 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 25 de jan.
3,1 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 24 de jan.
Proezas   3 de 40
Убийца2013MLG Há 4 horas 
уебище ♥♥♥♥♥♥, играет в одну ♥♥♥♥♥, не понимаю как таким далбаёбом можно быть, хуже может быть только я
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Захотелось свежих рёбрышек, жаль но у тя их нет
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абаюнда 🤙