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proudful Korea Dokdo 홍보
STEAM グループ
proudful Korea Dokdo 홍보
Korea, Republic of 
proudful Korea について

이곳은 작게나마 독도의 진실을 알리는 커뮤니티 입니다 .

The truth about dokdo, a small Korean island in the East Sea of Korea

Japan is currently trying to take dokdo from Korea and claim it as Japanese territory.

Though, the history of Korea, of Japan, and of any other countries in the world, prove dokdo is Korean land.

In 512 AD, “Samguksagi” records the Korean sovereignty over dokdo for the first time This is more than 1000 years prior to Japanese record.

Samguksagi is an important historical reference of Korean documents in 1667, Japan’s Eunjooshichunghipki even records dokdo as Korean territory.

In 1432 AD, “Sejongsilokjiriji” also contains the Korean record of dokdo. This is still 200 years before Japan’s record.

Sejongsilokjiriji is the historical document designated as National Treasure in UNESCO’s Memory of the world.

In 1696 AD, Japan acknowledges dokdo as Korean territory and prohibits its people from fishing in Korea water.

A Korean fishermen, Yong-bok Ahn, succeeds to obtain the memorandum admiting Korean sovereignty over Dokd-do.

In 1737 AD, A French map of the Kingdom of Korea Royaume de Coree clearly writes dokdo as Korean territory.

By Danville(1697-1782), a geographer and cartographer of France.

In 1785 AD, A Japanese map also specifies dokdo as territory of Korea.

Samgookjubyangjido, by a Japanese scholar Hayashi shihei.

In 1877 AD, Japanese government issues the order that prvoes dokdo to be a Korean territory.

Taejeongkwan the highest governmental appratus of Japan during the Meiji period.

And from 1945 to present, UN peacekeepers confirm and secure dokdo as a territory of Korea according to KADIZ.

Korean Air Defense Identification Zone.

Throughout history, dokdo has been governed by Korea. It has been occupied by Korean citizens and protected by Korean police officers.

NOW, YOU DO KNOW Dokdo belongs to Korea! Always had and always will!

(애국이란.. )

애국이란 무조건 옳다고 감싸안는것이 아닙니다. 옳지 못한것을 그대로 감싸는 것은 국수주의 와 다를것이 없습니다 우리는 항상 더 나은것을 위해 그른것을 비판하고 의문을 가지고 새로운것을 수용할 자세가 필요합니다.

이상과 몽상의 차이는 무엇일까요 그것은 실현하느냐 실현하지 못하느냐의 차이겠지요. 때로는 올바르고 시대를 초월한이상을 실현하기 위해 현실에 굴복(적응)해야 할때가 생깁니다 이상이라는 것은 현실과 동떨어져 보이기 때문에 그길이 힘들고 험난한 길이라는 것을 우리는 알고있습니다. 언젠가 마음에 가면을 벋고 모순과 거짓 으로 가득찬 현실과 싸웁시다 우리모두 바른이상을 위해 정진 합시다.

그길이 외롭고 힘들지라도...
많은홍보 부탁드립니다.
58 件のコメント
댕댕 2023年9月28日 23時52分 
독도는 한국땅~
DRAGAN 2022年7月14日 11時44分 
독도는 우리땅~
ĶkãmĶkãm 2020年8月18日 6時16分 
一个漂亮的标题 2019年12月21日 18時19分 
hello everyone
♥ maddy ♥ 2019年10月25日 0時02分 
they both rightfully belong to the great british empire as do all countries idk what yall r on lmao
Coffee Abuser 2019年6月22日 19時36分 
I agree. Korea should have all of Japan.
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Korea, Republic of