TSE Development TSE Dev
TSE Development TSE Dev
2014 年 8 月 15 日
關於 TSE Development

The Survivor's Enclave Development

Hello again, I'm Mal. The creator of The Survivor's Enclave.

I recently released a teaser trailer of my RP Server (

Here's what's happened so far and here's what's going on now:

1. I have found a dedicated server host, starting August 25th he can host. Therefore we will most likely have the server up early September.

2. This morning I was featured in the patch notes of 2.2.5 which drew a lot of attention to the project on steam which prompted me to update you guys on my progress.

3. This morning's patch notes also officially stated that 2.0 Save data is not going to be lost. But let's face it. Who wants to play on PEI when there's a 16x bigger map right?

Here is my plan:
As soon as 3.0 releases, I am going to rebuild EVERYTHING on the new map from scratch. Last time, it took me 95 hours with multiple accidental resets and having to solo gather resources (Wood and Stone).

This time I'm hoping to have help from the community.

Once 3.0 is out I'm going to have 1 day where I rebuild everything. But this time, instead of doing it solo, I'm asking fellow unturned players to help me in my journey.

It would be an "Event" where anyone who is willing can hop on and help me recreate the server by hand. You would be doing things like chopping wood, mining stone, making resource runs, and helping me with crafting.

If that kind of thing sounds fun to you, join my "TSE Development" group on steam and I'll keep you updated on when the building event will be.
52 則留言
Booger 2015 年 8 月 12 日 下午 11:45 
The state of the universe doesn't deal with time in the way we think it does. We think it happens with a beginning, a present, and an ending, but instead what it does is only deal with the present at all times. You will never find yourself in the past or the future in any other form than your thoughts, even if you had a time machine. With that said, the process of existence is not a binary 1 and 0, meaning "existing" or "not existing." Instead, it is locked at a 1, meaning everything is in a constant state of "existing." It neither existed, nor will exist, but is constantly existing. It exists, but not in the way we think it does. In some ways it is impossible to percieve how it exists because we as humans have very limited perception. You will instead need to settle for being able to think of it sometimes, but that's okay because thought is how some cases of things exist.
chris 2015 年 4 月 12 日 上午 2:31 
think it died ....
Killiyan 2015 年 3 月 31 日 下午 11:42 
sooo is anything happeneing with this or did it die?
Jjazmin167 2014 年 9 月 7 日 下午 9:28 
I look forward to helping out big game day too :D
ethanmcsquared 2014 年 8 月 26 日 下午 6:51 
nvm read the website

ethanmcsquared 2014 年 8 月 26 日 下午 5:58 
What mods?
2 位交談中
2014 年 8 月 15 日