Team Awesome Furries TAF
Team Awesome Furries TAF
Fondé le
3 mai 2009
84 commentaires
Cuddly Plane 30 mai 2012 à 20h12 
Wow this place is a dead zone...
Cuddly Plane 9 aout 2010 à 17h53 
It's been a while since I've seen any activity on here. I hope everyone is alright.
Damian Supikoira 4 mars 2010 à 11h08 
Cuddly Plane 4 mars 2010 à 8h18 
Hepititis A or Hepititis B?
Damian Supikoira 16 févr. 2010 à 5h13 
That means they have hepititis.
State 8 févr. 2010 à 5h05 
Are all the cool kids using hearts in their names now or something?
Ryker Kohl 28 janv. 2010 à 13h25 
eracting a furry here! *wacks*
(TAF) Zorori 27 déc. 2009 à 8h40 
Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey!

Need a furry here.
Ryker Kohl 8 nov. 2009 à 6h35 
Damian Supikoira 20 oct. 2009 à 11h12 
It's 42 actually.
Ryker Kohl 26 sept. 2009 à 4h23 
49 (yes i back :P)
Damian Supikoira 24 sept. 2009 à 11h23 
Meaning of life.
(TAF) Zorori 17 sept. 2009 à 19h16 
Needs more members. Quick! Be obnoxious!
Damian Supikoira 11 sept. 2009 à 14h23 
And welcome to the group, enjoy your stay here and don't be shy about joining anything we have going.
Gyro Wolf 11 sept. 2009 à 6h35 
Thanks for the invite! *hugs*
Ryker Kohl 2 sept. 2009 à 8h37 
of course its illegal, it just makes yea feel dirty when yea doing it ;D
Damian Supikoira 31 aout 2009 à 14h28 
You're giving out cookies in return for sex again?

I'm sure we established quite clearly that such an act is illegal.
Ryker Kohl 27 aout 2009 à 8h34 
its from Stalker! so no cookies! unlesss.....>:3
Shez 25 aout 2009 à 16h23 
You're a monster. D:
Damian Supikoira 25 aout 2009 à 14h53 
The cookie has turned. I'm afraid we had to put it down.
Split-Persona 25 aout 2009 à 12h29 
The referecne is from...A THING! COOKIE NOW PLZ! :3
Damian Supikoira 25 aout 2009 à 11h31 
You've had enough, tubby.
Shez 24 aout 2009 à 14h43 
Can I have the cookie anyway? :3
Damian Supikoira 24 aout 2009 à 14h04 
It seems nobody gets the reference.
Ryker Kohl 19 aout 2009 à 14h16 
get outta here Stalker! (cookie for knowing the Ref)
Damian Supikoira 19 aout 2009 à 11h33 
No puns allowed. Get away from here.
Ryker Kohl 16 aout 2009 à 10h14 
good thing i have a scent-tree...wait........SCENT-TREE DOWN!
Damian Supikoira 14 aout 2009 à 13h02 
I'm afraid you may have been misslead. There is neither cake nor a crown. Instead you are chained to a huge rock and forced to walk 20 miles through a council estate in darkest Liverpool whilst wearing a Rolex watch and carrying a laptop. On the plus side, if you manage to keep either of them they're yours.
Ryker Kohl 14 aout 2009 à 6h35 
Its Moist and Delisous, like BABIES! Hahaha!
Rikes 13 aout 2009 à 16h30 
Split-Persona 13 aout 2009 à 16h18 
Grey 11 aout 2009 à 11h05 
*mehs and keeps nomming on Shezs arm* i'm sure theres medication for it
Ryker Kohl 11 aout 2009 à 10h33 
Just As Planned.....
Damian Supikoira 10 aout 2009 à 13h50 
On closer inspection it was blood after all. Deadly and poisonous blood from an insect of sorts.
Grey 9 aout 2009 à 8h49 
*starts to lick the sauce off of Shez, gradually start nommin on his arm* nom nom nom
Shez 9 aout 2009 à 4h12 
I was eating a hot dog. ;.;
Split-Persona 9 aout 2009 à 3h34 
You bleed tomato sauce? :V
Shez 9 aout 2009 à 2h02 
That's tomato sauce! D:
PilotShep 8 aout 2009 à 23h38 
You've got blood on my suit.
*Cat* 8 aout 2009 à 11h29 
I call shock rifle!
Ryker Kohl 3 aout 2009 à 8h49 
i call BFG :D
Shaun 'intel' Miner 1 aout 2009 à 16h08 
I call shotgun :3
Ryker Kohl 30 juil. 2009 à 13h41 
i has a crate of donuts if yea want 'em
Shez 28 juil. 2009 à 15h04 
I'd give you some but you already ate all mine. ;.;
Damian Supikoira 28 juil. 2009 à 10h55 
From this point forward, all public acts of affection will be oggled sternly by the appropriate authority. Also, I demand donuts.
Shaun 'intel' Miner 26 juil. 2009 à 19h11 
*Huggles tight and noms the donuts cutely* :3
Grey 24 juil. 2009 à 12h56 
*gives Shaun a hug and a dozen donuts* <3
Shaun 'intel' Miner 21 juil. 2009 à 15h24 
I want a hug AND a donut :O
Grey 19 juil. 2009 à 17h59 
I am haveing a pants party, and you are all invited.
Damian Supikoira 19 juil. 2009 à 14h57 
I have something in my front pocket for everyone to share.