Sticky Tricky's Open Lobbies stol
Sticky Tricky's Open Lobbies stol
게임 중
2011년 7월 8일
Sticky Tricky's Open Lobbies 정보

Tricky Gets You Sticky. Really sticky...

Hello everyone, I have made this group to make my open lobbies easier for everyone. How to join, rules and all that. Yes these open lobbies are hosted by myself (Sticky Tricky) , I use the name Sticky Tricky in open lobbies. But I am not always the host in these open lobbies, I ask other people to be the host to reduce lag. This group is also created to post announcements for open lobbies, when its going to start, etc.

Rules to join my open lobbies:
- Join this group, people who are not in this group are NOT allowed to join.
- Subscribe to my youtube (
- Add me as friend.

Rules in the open lobbies:
- No fighting
- Good cams only
- Screwing around will result in a kick
- If I need to make space for my friends, I apologize if anyone gets kicked.

Game Modes in Open lobbies and rules:

- Dummy [ Max 10 Players ]
A person will get chosen to stand in one place until someone kills him/her. The person who killed him/her will be the dummy, and other people will try to kill him/her.

- Last Ones Dummy [ Max 18 Players ]
Split in 2 teams, quickscope till last and the last person in the other team will be dummy. For e.g TF141 killed everyone except the last person in Milita, the last person will not be allowed to kill but will have to be a dummy.

- 18 Players FFA [ Max 18 Players ]
18 people will join in the lobby, map will be highrise. The last kill will have to be a trickshot, since there is a lot of players it will be easier.

- Typical Open Lobbies [ Max 18 Players ]
Teams will be split to 2, quickscope till last and do a trickshot to the last person. Camping will not be tolerated and will result in a kick.

- Party Public SND [ Max 6 Players ]
Where me and 5 of my subscribers will party up and find an SND game. Trickshots last.

- Mike Myers [ Max 18 Players ]
Everyone probably already knows this game and rules but I'm going to explain it anyways, one person will go in a team and the other remaining players will go in the opposite team. This game is like hide and seek. The one person will find everyone in the opposite team, where everyone in the opposite team will be hiding. Once the person who's finding everyone finds someone, he will have to knife the person. Players who are hiding can NOT knife. Until everyone is caught and its a 1 on 1, the person who's hiding can knife the person.

Open lobby Schedules are the following(an X means it was already done):
[X] 170 Subscribers
[ ] 200 Subscribers
[ ] 300 Subscribers
[ ] 500 Subscribers

Missed the first open lobby because its full? You still can join by subscribing to my youtube and spreading to your friends! So what are you waiting for?

Sticky Tricky's youtube!
Subscribe My Other Channel ! <3
인기 토론글
최근 공지
댓글 9
Choobz 2011년 11월 29일 오전 3시 59분 
^8ae^3R^8o` Sp3cia|ist 2011년 8월 26일 오후 2시 48분 
Faster, the supply is limited
get many games free example
assassin's creed brotherhood
call of duty modern warfare 2
Choobz 2011년 8월 2일 오전 2시 14분 
oi angry birds ftw fat ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ryuvos 2011년 8월 1일 오전 6시 34분 
why angry birds as group pic .... lame!!
danbanana 2011년 7월 29일 오전 9시 13분 
so penis
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2011년 7월 8일