STEAM グループ
SMNC Training Grounds SMNCTG
STEAM グループ
SMNC Training Grounds SMNCTG
SMNC Training Grounds について

SMNC Training

Welcome to the SMNC Training Grounds. This place is for new and old players of SMNC to connect and train. The goal of this group is to help lessen the learning curve for new players and to offer advice.

Leave a comment to ask for help or apply for officer. Being an officer means helping people who need it. Please pay attention to the more serious announcements. Scheduling a time and how it will be done is up to the officer and the student.

Meta Ridley - Cheston, Tank, Gunner, Assault
Ketchupzz - Gunslinger, Combat Girl
BillySaurus - Megabeth, Tank
Cv# - Leo
Circus - Wascot
Skyflare - Gunslinger

Forum Page[]
Class Guides[]
SMNC Overveiw Video
Status Update
Overall intro Class Instruction
33 件のコメント
brisket guilty gear 2012年11月23日 8時43分 
Level 140 assassin and tank player, also I play robo hobo every once and a while, training with GunSlinger, and I'll be getting sniper soon to play, so if anyone has tips for GunSlinger or Sniper, I'd appreciate it.
Ridley Prime 2012年8月15日 15時57分 
Must get noobs to teach! But how...
mik 2012年8月15日 8時42分 
I can offer help in Sin and Tank specialties. I also know a few tricks for each class.
YEP 2012年8月12日 9時50分 
Hello i'm level 100 and a good Spark, Tank, Cheston, Gunner, CG, Support and Beth.
Willing to teach newer players, i'm also above average with nearly all classes. Might give some students a little headstart in products and endo's department as well. I hpe to increase the playerbase, maybe we can make europe playable again :D
YEP 2012年8月12日 9時49分 
Hello i'm level 100 and a good Spark, Tank, Cheston, Gunner, CG, Support and Beth.
Willing to teach newer players, i'm also above average with nearly all classes. Might give some students a little headstart in products and endo's department as well. I hpe to increase the playerbase, maybe we can make europe playable again :D
Regaulity 2012年7月23日 13時36分 
250, ask if you have any questions about any class.
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