STEAM グループ
Roxtars Roxtar!
STEAM グループ
Roxtars Roxtar!
Roxtars について

I decided to form a group out of all my Rocket League friends with the idea of offering you a place to find likable mates at any time in this terrible and always flaming RL-community ;) .
I hope, you can enjoy nice matches with each other and make this group grow even bigger by inviting your active and polite friends.
Hopefully we can arrange some tournaments and even a league.

Please make sure, you check-out all discussions (e.g. votings) and announcements (e.g. the Discord Server).

I am open to any suggestions, comments or questions.
Please excuse my English skills, I am from Germany, as the most of you know ;) .
Overview Ranking of Members
Roxtar Masters!
  • I suggest to create completely random teams of two, which get sorted randomly into two groups of four (16 players). Every team has to compete against each team of their group twice, so there are these possible results: 2-0 ; 1-1 ; 0-2 (one win of the two matches against the same opponents = one goal).

  • The rest is just the simple system of the group stage: Your team gets points for the results (win: 3 points ; tie: 1 point ; loss: 0 points). Teams with the same number of points get sorted by the goal difference. The best two teams of each group advance to the semi-finals etc. ^^

  • The semi-finals are going to be best of three matches.
    The final is a best of five match.

  • The two winning members will be elected group player of the week one after the other.

I will announce the teams, groups and match plans by putting pictures into the tournament chat of our Discord Server[] !
When you see the match plans, the team on the left of it has to invite the other team and create a private match, in which you play two games and then you have to write me the results.

Im not sure, whether its going to happen or how its going to be like, but I hope, it will be a nice and funny tournament :)

31 件のコメント
Bubblegum Cuddly Dragoness 2017年1月11日 19時42分 
Anybody here want to play some rocket league, 2v2?
MoonMoon 2016年11月24日 16時46分 
Yeah that'd be great dude though I know you're not a fan of ranked play.
Bubblegum Cuddly Dragoness 2016年11月24日 11時24分 
I could try, I am not that good but I will try.
MoonMoon 2016年11月24日 11時16分 
So, ranked play. I currently spend most of time playing solo standard and bouncing between Challenger II and I either due to everyone rushing the ball constantly or (more often) because I'm an idiot.
Would be interested in teaming up with folks of around the same skill level to play actual standard ranked who accept that people make mistakes, are looking for a decent but fun game and, if I'm honest, I could learn from as I feel like I've hit a ceiling in terms of skill that I can't seem to break through regardless of how much I practice or play. Anyone interested? No drama if not, always up for some friendly rumble when I'm online if you're at a loose end.
Chrixtar 2016年9月9日 23時48分 
Hey guys, my long vacation after the final exams is over :( . I started studying now and it's a bit hard for me to find any time to play with you guys. I will try to keep this group being more or less active.^^ Lebertran will be active as well.
If you like to help me, I would really appreciate suggestions and more to keep this group active and useful. Maybe someone is even interested in being a mod of this group and making it more attractive for you Rocket League players. :)

I hope you can understand my situation. :)
Bubblegum Cuddly Dragoness 2016年8月17日 14時05分 
and I saw the Announcement
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