Dr. Ong's Math Remedia Dr. Ong
Dr. Ong's Math Remedia Dr. Ong
2014. augusztus 16.
A(Z) Dr. Ong's Math Remedia CSOPORTRÓL

Dr Euler Ong Soon Sheng

(This group for only the anchestors of the being Euler and Gauss)

A very good morning to all of you the 3I!

Today we will be learn the quarartic function
Now my question to you is: How to solving this equation?
My answer to you is sin taeta cos taeta

And we can remember the idintity with the famous car like Fellali and Ramboogini and Porsheee

Now, sin Fellali = cos Ramboogini = tan Porsheee!

Guys we have to listen because as what I say, it is a learning journey and we have to continue the ongoing assessment ok?

So will you being in going on 2:30 to macks remedia at the rayaaaaalatn block at the currently now?

What position you like to play in the basketball? Striker or midfielder? (simi sai)

Now when you solve the quarartic function, you can solve many way, then you reach the Changi Airport, got car, bus, train, plane, can walking also. When you stuck in the jam, is like you stuck in the question. So now we can solving equation, then if you stuck in PIE, you can go to ECP and can moving already!

Like you have deglee and ladian mode, degree you very familia with, like your football position. If you use ladian, like you goalkeeper become midfielder, then when people pass you the ball, you use hand ball :D Then red card = fail question. So my answer to you is use deglee mode.

Dr Ong, my question to you is you have the saw the Fellali on the sheares block?
yeah like the 3-D painting

Do you know theres Euler program in ahhwaii?
Yes, but only hae the talent student but no descandant of Euler.

Has the mathemagic inside the Euler program?
no, only the easy mats equation

how to be the anchestor of the Euler?
First you need to have the PhD in the mats and you must having the bloodline of Euler in your mentor.

Can I be the anchestor of Euler too?
You can be the god-son of Euler, because you are my student, like I am your godfather so you can be half descendant of the Euler :D

Joke to you: What is sin(gerine)/cos(gerine)?
My answer to you is: tan(gerine) = olaanggg

Guys I think is it Im the very humor?

Keep quiet! My the noisy level is too many, the threshold cannot be keep below!
This year is the mooncake festival right? So the being sin 2 mooncake be the equal of 2 sin mooncake cos mooncake
Its not the u-formula (YOU-formula), its the r-formula (OUR-Formula)!!

You are free to express your expressions!
I have to be the stand there
Who didn't actually present at the assembly today?
Weve been wasted 10 minute already!

Here is the my trigo part I
I dont want anyone to be a victims of the counselling!
Let's start the today lesson

You be flip the 2/cot taeta like the flipping prata!
Now, Ill teach to make a good prata!

As I say, I leally hope all of you can be the doing assignment on the weekend

Baris sediah! Attention 3I! Baris already dont move!
So your recess is at the 9:80 o'clock?

The spy shoe make me not the vely faster, but only the lelatively faster!!!
Dr Ong, what the white thing on your hair? Oh, that be the dandluff!

Dr. Euler Ong's Facebook :D[]
Wake me out when setemper ennds
wish dr ong teach us the next year!
3 megjegyzés
furry squirrel 2014. aug. 26., 13:42 
pls be the keep authentic descandants of euler ok guys?
furry squirrel 2014. aug. 22., 15:23 
a the vely the good mornia to all of you the chooi aiiiiiii
furry squirrel 2014. aug. 22., 15:17 
Guys a very good mornin to all of you the mats lemedia!
2014. augusztus 16.