STEAM グループ
Myrmidons Ark Server pvp weekends
STEAM グループ
Myrmidons Ark Server pvp weekends
United States 
Myrmidons Ark Server について

||||||| PVE WEEKDAYS/ PVP WEEKENDS ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| the even playing-field ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Tired of being night-ganked? Of losing everything when you log off? Of being nameless, faceless, and abused? Of joining a server only to find it dominated by those who've been there the longest? Here, we even the playing-field to give our newest survivors a jump-start on our island. Our veterans enjoy the challenge.

What to Expect
Coming from official servers, you will find experience and leveling comes quicker in the early game, but much slower in the later game, allowing you to compete with established players sooner. Though those who stick it out will be rewarded with enough engram points to know all recipes. Resources are more plentiful, dinosaurs harder, more resilient, yet easier to tame. Nights move faster and the moon is brighter. You will find yourself slightly less hungry or thirsty, but not by much.

You will be challenged not just by the environment but also, during the weekend, by other survivors. You will find it helpful to join or found a tribe. In addition to these threats, you will also encounter community events. An arena holds public pit-fights for entertainment and rare prize. The greatest server-wide rewards are guarded by monsters, super-humans, and madmen, who take the whole island in order to be defeated.

Survivors active in the community will find themselves rewarded most of all. Get involved in this group, server chat, in voting, and just by playing to enjoy the benefits.

Join us
Server IP: steam://connect/ (copy/paste into a steam private message & click)

Teamspeak 3

PvP Weekends
Build during the week, battle during the weekend.
Arena Pitfights
Battle for glory and rare rewards in the hand-built arena.
Boss Battles
Server-vs-Boss fights for major boosts and prizes.
Other Surprises

Simple Rules
Don't be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: We all left official for a reason. Don't be that reason here.
Don't Build inside Caves or on Mountaintops: Allow everyone access to high-end resources.
Admin Have Final Say: Follow one and two and this won't be necessary.

Head Admin & GM
Officially responsible for administering the server. Has final say in all administrative matters and is responsible for ensuring balanced gameplay, continued server operation, timely restarts for updates, and community events.

Admin, Operators, & Event Hosts
We're looking for new Admin, Operators (server maintainers), and Event Hosts to fill out our staff.
TheVomBomb - Admin
Vodkawater - Admin
Mushrumz - Admin

Our server costs us $108/mo. Please donate at to keep it going.


VOTE (Daily)[]
VOTE (2-times Daily)[]
Martha has left the building
New Admin Kick/Ban Procedures
Admin Kick/Ban Enforcement Procedures

Should an admin determine that a player is doing something deserving of a kick or ban the admin must follow these steps:
  1. Warn the infringing player clearly as to what the player is doing that is infringing, and how to correct the behavior. This may be broadcasted. Examples:
    • @[Player]: Stop pulling wild dinos to other players' tames (particularly during PvE). If you continue you will be [kicked, then banned].
    • @[Player]: Stop killing new/low lever players. If you continue you will be [kicked, then banned].
    • @[Player]: Do not raze that base. If you continue you will be [kicked, then banned].
  2. Give the infringing player sufficient time to correct the infringing behavior
  3. Record and document as much as possible. Video, chat logs, all are very helpful in post-mortem review
  4. Should the player continue the infringing behavior, the admin is to re-announce the infringing behavior, which has not stopped, is the reason the player is being kicked and then kick the player
  5. Should the player return and resume the behavior, the admin may warn and then ban following all of the steps above as though preparing for a kick.

Clarification & Notes
  • An admin should not intervene in tribal affairs between their tribe and an opposing tribe. That is to say, if another third party admin is on, they are to take over the administrative work.
    • Example: If the situation is between a Stone Cult and Dire Wolves player, then neither Mushrumz nor pl4y should be involved. Vodka, Vom, or Fire need to be called in to mediate.
    • If they are the only admin on, there are two options
      1. If the situation is not catastrophic, take no action and document/record the behavior and send to another admin to review when they get on
      2. If the situation is potentially catastrophic, Call Fire
  • In painfully clear cases, like a previously unknown player logs in and begins spamming global, the steps above can be accelerated.
  • If an admin finds themselves to be emotionally tied into the situation, call another admin and step back. Do not officiate if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired (HALT). Keep emotions out of it.
  • Admins have final say in an altercation, but must explain why they've judged something. This is subject to Martha's review after the fact and thus must be supported, ideally with documentation and witnesses.

13 件のコメント
Black0ut 2015年10月9日 17時30分 
under /home/steam/ARK/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini
ServerPVE=True needs to be set to ServerPVE=False
FinnSour 2015年9月14日 12時40分 
Coming back up. Apparently the ssh tunnel from my machine to the server was the only thing keeping ARKRemote alive.
Velociraptor 2015年9月14日 12時33分 
some1 killed the server!
FinnSour 2015年8月10日 10時18分 
@stretch4201: We're open to all. See you in game :)
Black0ut 2015年8月9日 20時47分 
would like to join this server
William Murderface 2015年8月3日 13時41分 
Got the response. Thank you!
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