L4D2 Boycott (cont'd)
L4D2 Boycott (cont'd)
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14 Tháng 10, 2009
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Left 4 Dead DLC Update

20 bình luận
Slice 14 Thg04, 2010 @ 1:32pm 
With the retail copies dipping below the $30 price point. I decided to pick up a copy. I think I should leave the group; otherwise it would be hipicritical of me to stay. With that said, we put up a good fight guys. But in my eyes the game is worth $20-30 for the content it has. I doubt I will see most of you in the game.
Alcator 27 Thg03, 2010 @ 4:00pm 
Personally, what I lack in L4D, is an option to practice the play as Special Infected in some kind of "solo" mode against computer-controlled bots. I don't understand why a game which: (a) has A.I. for the Survivors and (b) allows play as Special Infected, does not allow training the play as Special Infected against Survivors. I don't understand why I have to get into an online match, tell everyone "Sorry, I suck terribly, bear with me", and pray that they don't kick me the first second after that announcement. I don't understand why there's Single player campaign for "Survivors", but no training option for Special Infected. How am I supposed to learn?

Why can Unreal Tournament have singleplayer A.I. for all game modes, and L4D cannot?
Sarevok 4 Thg03, 2010 @ 6:34am 
I have to wonder when the new special infected and weapons are coming out. They were promissed with the innital release, and i'm STILL waiting :(
Nick<>Star 1 Thg03, 2010 @ 4:32pm 
do people still play l4d 1 as i not played for ages,,nor never played l4d 2 as promised
Dekland 18 Thg02, 2010 @ 5:03pm 
@Impossible: Now I want it more than ever!
Unknown 17 Thg02, 2010 @ 4:40pm 
@.::№-L4D2/Impossible::. : Which Gabe ate....................................Someone was going to say it may aswell of been me :)
Dzsordzs Szorosz 17 Thg02, 2010 @ 8:16am 
Hey, maybe the DLC... *pant* ...maybe it's made of chocolate
Tyrol 15 Thg02, 2010 @ 5:08pm 
I still remember when they said that they would release new DLC "shortly after L4D2 launched." Now it's "shortly after March." Anyone want to take a bet it'll be "shortly after" L4D3 launches this October?
Mors Mor†is 14 Thg02, 2010 @ 12:03pm 
2 little 2 late is all i got to say on the matter
[BP] blueyes77 13 Thg02, 2010 @ 12:07pm 
Valve pisses on every l4d players and wipe their asses with them, thank you very much, valve sucks!