The Most Noble House of Bernd KCStronghold
The Most Noble House of Bernd KCStronghold
13 април 2012
ОТНОСНО The Most Noble House of Bernd

Location and Research/Build Order Below

World: 5
County: Isle of Man(island between England and Ireland) if available, if not, Kirkcudbrightshire (county to the southern coast of Scotland).

Basics of the Basics:

Honor is the most important resource, as it will advance your rank and open up new tech and political possibilities. Honor is primarily gained through popularity. It's a good idea to be at 30-40 popularity at all times. A good idea is to leave taxes at 0 or low, and to have rations as high as they will go without costing you more food than you make in a day.

Popularity will also draw in new peasants faster. When you have a population shortage, it is recommended to drop your taxes to a bribe and increase rations to triple or quadruple to draw them in. Obviously, this is not sustainable, so make sure to return things to normal after you have all the peasants you wanted.

For now, do not put any research into your military aside from scout-related tech. We are not powerful enough to take on any existing factions, no matter how many troops or stone walls we build. Wooden walls and peasant levies will suffice against the AI; anything more is just a waste of resources.

Other than that, just follow the orders below and ask other bernds for advice when needed, and you should be good.

Research Order:
1. Art.
2. Scouting 1.
3. Work towards unlocking all farm types (including breweries and bakeries, which are the same building as hops and wheat farms; use the tech tree tab in the research window for specifics).
4. Banqueting 1 and Hunting 1.
5. Mathematics 2 and then Merchants.
6. Some techs are limited by your rank. If at any point you have research points and cannot research anything related to completing the previous steps, dump them into stone and wood gathering efficiency.

Build Order(very loose):
2 Orchards
2 Woodcutters
2 Quarries
2 Dairy farms
1 hovel
4 more of each of woodcutters and quarries
2-3 more food buildings
1 inn and 1 brewery
1 market
1-2 bakeries as soon as you have them researched

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An Important Message Regarding Your Account - 26/07/2019
Първоначално публикувано от Firefly Studios:
This is a post to make you aware of an issue that might involve your Stronghold Kingdoms account information. We understand that your privacy and security is of the utmost importance, and we want you to know that we take the responsibility to safeguard your personal data very seriously.

Last year on July 4th 2018 we experienced a data breach by an unauthorised party who exploited a security vulnerability, subsequently acquiring data belonging to Stronghold Kingdoms accounts. The data we discovered to be stolen from us included email addresses, usernames and hash encrypted passwords.We do not ask for or store any sensitive or financial information as all transactions are handled by third parties (e.g PayPal) so this data was never at risk.

The security flaw that made us vulnerable was swiftly removed as part of our ongoing security updates, and we also released a statement previously regarding the breach, which can be found here.

However, it has recently come to our attention that a number of the stolen hash encrypted passwords have since been decrypted and been made publicly available. It is because of this that we feel it necessary to bring this past issue to your attention again.

If you made an account on or before last year, July 4th 2018, and have not changed your password since, we urge you to do it now and to not use that password again in association with your Stronghold Kingdoms registered email address or any other online accounts.

We can only reassure you that we continue to work hard to protect your online security. If you have any further concerns, or would like your data removed entirely from our systems, please reach out to [email protected] with your username and email. Additionally, please refer to this link in order to view our advice in making a new secure password for Stronghold Kingdoms.

Thank you,

The Firefly Team

SHK Data breach resulting in your email, username and (hashed) pw being public now. You should change your password if you used the same one anywhere else.

SHK-Bernd w5 Comeback
31 коментара
Habsburg 1 дек. 2014 в 10:23 
Rest in bieces
Ezek 13 февр. 2014 в 17:46 
Lies, come to EUROPE 1 :wololo:
おやすみ 3 авг. 2013 в 5:57 
Don't come back to Ayrshire pls.
Ezek 19 апр. 2013 в 16:20 
Come to Ayrshire
Bernhold 23 авг. 2012 в 16:44 
Gravastar 22 авг. 2012 в 2:44 
Greetings everyone.
Влизане в чата
13 април 2012