STEAM グループ
Dota 2 Guild of Goodies GoGOODS
STEAM グループ
Dota 2 Guild of Goodies GoGOODS
United States 
Dota 2 Guild of Goodies について

Play Nice!

EDIT!::::Please add yourself to the GoGOOD Dota chat when you are online this way I can add you guys via that! It should make it a bit easier for me to add you guys to the Guild! Hopefully I can figure something better out in the future!::::::


So I see you have stumbled upon this group or been pointed this way! The point of this little spot is to explain this group so that’s what I plan on doing! Essentially what we’re here for is to construct a group or gathering, of fellow Dota 2 players tired of the toxic community that has formulated. So what’s that mean? Well this group is filled with like-minded individuals who are seeking some fellow players to play a good match with or just to practice and what not! Everyone here is expected to go by the basic rules of being a kind human, you know, like being good at communicating, being a team player, not being a sore loser/winner, and all the basic things we all would hope for from fellow teammates in a game of Dota.

Something important to remember is everyone has different play styles and is at different levels so please be kind to one another when playing with those who may not be in the same skill bracket, teach and guide those in the lower brackets, do not get frustrated with them. Heck, those in the higher skill brackets might learn a thing or two from the lower level guys!

Now concern will come with the fact that anyone could up and join this group but policing it will be one of my top priorities! So how will that work? Well simply hopefully! So let’s say you form a team of five or less? Well if one of the people in your group happens to be toxic in the sense of trolling, flaming, harassing, or any other typical behavior of a butt there are some steps to follow. First write down that match ID and the toxic player(s) name. I’m also going to need you to screenshot the conversation if it’s in team chat as I won’t be able to see that from a replay! If there’s a way and I’m just dopey please someone let me know ASAP! Well send me the links to your screenshots, the player ID and Match ID, and I’ll do some investigating.

Once I identify that toxic jerk I’ll kick/ban hammer them from the group and hopefully over time we’ll eliminate the jerks or at least out number them! Now I know the idea is kind of silly but I think it’s a bit of a necessity so please feel free to help me experiment with this and evolve the idea! It is sad we need a group for kind players but it is a bit of a necessity!
The Guild!
GoGOOD Guild Invites
10 件のコメント
Solid.NATUMBAMAN 2014年8月23日 9時08分 
can u add me in the guild? anyone up for a game. lets party up!
Tyfo 2014年8月8日 6時02分 
I'd like an invite to the guild in-game as well!

Are there any other European players?
Overhaul 2014年8月7日 13時38分 
I'd like an invite to the guild ingame please and thank you ^^
Debin 2014年8月5日 14時29分 
i have the same problem as klaus your guild sounds like an excelent idea, alas, i have no way to concact you guys
Klaus 2014年8月5日 7時22分 
Would like an invite into the guild in game, I also can't seem to find the 'GoGOOD' dota chat
JoeshmoGamer 2014年7月30日 23時32分 
Does this group have some sort of VoIP service? If not it might be a good idea to have a place where we can hang out. I like Mumble the best but TeamSpeak and Ventrillo are also good services.
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