The Gentlemen of Mordheim GentleMordy
The Gentlemen of Mordheim GentleMordy
5 Ιανουαρίου 2015
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
597 σχόλια
Gyld 1 Οκτ 2023, 7:23 
hi, if anyone will play - write to me
если кто будет играть - пишите
TankNSpanks 3 Αυγ 2018, 13:34 
Hi guys! I'm looking to see if anyone is up for a friendly match? I've never really played pvp and was wanting to give it a try, My warband is rated 3424. I was wanting to do a match that won't result in injuries first to get used to not fighting AI. haha anytakers?
TankNSpanks 2 Αυγ 2018, 11:03 
Hello Gentlemens! I haven't played this game in quite some time, but really loved it. Never played much pvp since the pvp system was pretty clunky. I'm reinstalling right now though, how active are people in the game still?
Zero Zero 25 Ιουν 2018, 11:57 
I'm in...
TheHighKing 25 Ιουν 2018, 11:51 
im looking for players, any takers?
uddhava 26 Φεβ 2017, 7:08 
Hello Laxeybobby,

Sorry to hear, but what exactly is your question? This is not the game's offical forum, just a player group
Laxeybobby 26 Φεβ 2017, 5:51 
I have just had to disband my Witchhunter warband, that I have played for several months. It was a level 9 warband with my impressive at level10. So I am very anoyed and demotivated because of this.
I found myself in a position of no return with the warband. I had five day to go to deliver my quota of 285 in weigh. I had 223 in weight.
I had only 80gold to my names so I chose an encounter that was Normal in difficulty with average wrydstone and scavengables.
Entered the encounter to the scenario of both warbands scattered following the manifestation of the ghostly town crier.
Unfortunately for me the other warband was Undead (ooh I hate these as they seem to be very hard to defeat, tough and they always seem to dodge well, not to mention their desease)
Laxeybobby 26 Φεβ 2017, 5:51 
To make matters worse they spawned right beside several of my units and they attacked first!
I managed to get them, thanks to my impressive, down to the point they had to do a rout test, and they succeed in surviving. They then take me to the rout test and I succed in my role.
I take out two more units and there is no rout test, they take one of my units and i have a rout test and loose!! (I loose all of the wyrdstone I had collected - enough for me to fulfill my quota and more)
They had two units remaining, I had four!
So the point of no return was once I paid for treatment I could not afford to pay my upkeep, nor could I fight again until my units had healed, and everyday the upkeep increased, I missed my quota and then some of my units left through not being paid!!!
This left me not able to replace them as I hadnt the money!
Laxeybobby 26 Φεβ 2017, 5:50 
The anoying thing is that I had to play this through by clicking next day, next day, even though I knew where it was leading, as until you pay your upkeep you cannot disband the warband!!
This was the best warband I have created in this game and it was extremely annoying seeing this occur.
NightSilver 18 Φεβ 2017, 12:09 
Anyone wanna play MP against a fresh warband?
uddhava 19 Δεκ 2016, 9:24 
Oh I have no idea about that sorry.
CheshireCatNat 19 Δεκ 2016, 8:57 
Thanks for your quick reply uddhava, got time for another.. ? ;-)

If i buy the game while living in Thailand, and convinces my kidbrother in Denmark to buy it aswell, will be able to play across regions?

best regards
uddhava 19 Δεκ 2016, 5:52 
You'll have to join a league or something, otherwise its really hard. But the link below by Markuskein leads to a very active group.
CheshireCatNat 19 Δεκ 2016, 4:36 
Hello, Sawadee, Guten tag & Hola ;-)

I've been dabbling a bit with this game, and considering a purchase. Would love to know how active the player base are, is it easy to find a so-so evenly matched opponent?

Best regards from here and there ;)
uddhava 18 Δεκ 2016, 6:20 
Hey, you can better check out Markuskein's link below you. This group is not as active anymore.
DooM 18 Δεκ 2016, 3:58 
Hello everyone.
If anybody would like a game of mordheim please let me know, id like to start doing some online matches.
La roca 21 Οκτ 2016, 12:04 
Just wanted to remind you guys that Permaleague its been going on for 4 months now and there are active people everyday there, come and start a warband!
kopa 21 Οκτ 2016, 11:31 
add me for pvp
crimsonsun 20 Οκτ 2016, 4:14 
I watch it but its pretty devoid of activity. I will be thinking about getting something running again from Halloween, A league as its about time.
Xylonic 20 Οκτ 2016, 3:58 
Anyone still about, or is this group dead?
uddhava 19 Σεπ 2016, 1:44 
@caustic Orator
this group is unfortunately not as active as it used to be. Have a look at the main discussion page of Morheim. There is a sticky there with more active groups that look for players.
Caustic Orator 18 Σεπ 2016, 9:11 
Looking for people to throw down with. Add me.
Fricken @zz 11 Σεπ 2016, 1:15 
Hello Gentlemen ! i've been playing singeplayer for about 700 hours and now i feel i'm ready to move my warband into more international waters so to speak :) If anyone is up for a game please contact me! Thanks in advance and hope to see you in the streets =)
Ebu i rezy 10 Σεπ 2016, 4:34 
hi all !!!, i desaire to play whis people . Please add me ang go to the batl
Ho Chi Win 29 Ιουλ 2016, 10:10 
So is this kinda dead now... :/
Sinclair 23 Ιουλ 2016, 11:46 
Hi gentlemen, I love this game and I would like to find human players to play with.
Add me
La roca 25 Ιουν 2016, 15:40 
Hello! I would like to find some people to play with, but mostly get a league going.
So we started one with simple but interesting new rules.
Come and join us, the more the better! ;D
amusingfish 22 Ιουν 2016, 10:33 
Does anyone want to start a brand knew warband league?
Jaqi 7 Μαϊ 2016, 23:54 
anyone live near Mass or Nh or Vt? Interested in real life miniture campaign? [email protected]. am willing to travel
DinneNotDinner 1 Απρ 2016, 12:58 
So there is no disengaging or fleeing in combat? o0
ShootThru 4 Μαρ 2016, 5:59 
Hi all, just bought COTD and heard that this was the place to find worthy opponents. o7
junnay 19 Φεβ 2016, 16:41 
I'm here, now who's looking for a proper thrashing?
Project Manhattan 19 Φεβ 2016, 12:16 
Hi everyone looking to meet some nice and gritty mordheimers...lets get some survival leagues going!
Lycanor 16 Φεβ 2016, 5:03 
Hi guys! Just joined and hoping to play some competetive Mordheim. (Sick of the AI hehe) Anyone up for a game or two?
Kapplah 10 Φεβ 2016, 15:36 
Hey guys, just posting on here to let you know im streaming the game late evenings GMT atm If any of you want to stop by and criticise my most likely shoddy playstyle feel free :P http://www.twitch.tv/fapplah
Switchblyde 10 Φεβ 2016, 0:25 
hello everyone started a new warband for strictly pvp anyone wanna invite me to private matches ?
Astropolis 8 Φεβ 2016, 13:38 
Hello all. I am looking to join leagues, tournaments and random pvp matches. I look forward to clashing on the field of battle.
Starkfield 7 Φεβ 2016, 4:20 
Welcome Obsidianwolf9, biggunsmcwolf and Matsumoto! Tournaments in the planning.... A League on its way...
Obsidianwolf 6 Φεβ 2016, 22:44 
the wolf is on the prowl in mordhiem and he's hungry for prey!
Boasta' Berry 4 Φεβ 2016, 16:18 
Hey-oh. The Brotherhood of the Sword is looking to face the perils of Mordhiem! Hope to see you all out there.
Makari 15 Ιαν 2016, 4:47 
hy guys! nice to meet all of you... I d like to play sometimes online... than add me :)
e se c'è qualche italiano, meglio :)
crimsonsun 13 Ιαν 2016, 15:36 
hi bob, no worries at all, do check out our up and coming website http://gentlemenofmordheim.fiery-gnome.com/
bobandmyyak 13 Ιαν 2016, 13:28 
Hey folks, I have been playing single player for a while now, and feel like I need to get some proper games against real people under my belt. This looks like a good starting point!

I would be interested in the league I see mentioned below and/or one-off matches.


crimsonsun 13 Ιαν 2016, 8:37 
What do you want to call it?
Zero Zero 13 Ιαν 2016, 8:24 
What is the league going to be called?
PANDABOMB 9 Ιαν 2016, 14:26 
Hey everyone! I love this game. I'm gunna start a stream here in a bit for those who are interested in watching. http://www.twitch.tv/panda_bombtv here's the link. Hope to see you there!
crimsonsun 8 Ιαν 2016, 8:03 
League will be starting soon, and hopefully I'll figure out how to get a chat board up on the website to make arranging games easier.
Rimicu 8 Ιαν 2016, 5:27 
If anybody wanna play, add me.