กลุ่ม STEAM
Exherbo Exherbo
กลุ่ม STEAM
Exherbo Exherbo
3 ธันวาคม 2014
เกี่ยวกับ Exherbo

Exherbo Steam group

The open group for Exherbo Linux users.

Mumble voice chat

You can use the Mumble[wiki.mumble.info] server mumble:/deltaquadrant.org for your gaming purposes, feel free to request additional game channels.

Exherbo Linux[exherbolinux.org]
Latest steam client beta again further improves compatibility with Exherbo
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH runtime: Detect OS library directories from both word-sizes' versions of ldconfig on Exherbo, fixing Steam startup on that distribution (steam-runtime#615)
  • run.sh: Ask s-r-identify-library-abi for ldconfig's search paths, git commit[github.com]

It also ships with the updated steam-runtime-tools v0.20230905.0
carrying the supporting work needed, from the release notes[gitlab.steamos.cloud]:
  • identify-library-abi: On Exherbo, run both versions of ldconfig.
    Unlike other multiarch/multilib designs, Exherbo has one build of
    ldconfig per architecture, each with its own configuration that only
    searches libraries intended for that word size.
    (Helps: steam-runtime#615), git commit[gitlab.steamos.cloud]

This also led to another bug being discovered that the check-va-api of steam-runtime segfaulted on Exherbo so there wasn't any hardware acceleration available for e.g. streaming via Steam Link. This problem got reported to the mesa bugtracker[gitlab.freedesktop.org] and turned out get fixes on both ends:

  • Exherbo: Our mesa package was compiled with asserts enabled by default which was fixed, git commit[gitlab.exherbo.org].
  • steam-runtime: A bug in the check-va-api got fixed, git commit[gitlab.steamos.cloud].

As always it is astonishing how much Valve and especially the awesome individuals working on the steam-runtime at Collabora for Valve are dedicated in also supporting such a rather niche distribution like Exherbo, although the work done might also benefit other distributions of course. It's a real pleasure to work with them, report bugs and immediately get some responses which usually turn out to have things fixed for everyone to enjoy. Personal thanks again go to Simon McVittie (smcv) having done the actual work here - you're awesome!

Timo Gurr (tgurr)

Latest steam-runtime beta further improves compatibility with Exherbo
  • Compare libstdc++.so.6 by version definitions, so that we get the right version on e.g. Exherbo (steam-runtime#381[github.com])
  • Fix Proton setup commands in locales that use a decimal comma, such as de_DE (helps: steam-runtime#381[github.com])
  • Improve setup of locales, drirc.d and libdrm data on non-FHS systems such as Exherbo (related to steam-runtime#381[github.com])
Again thanks to the awesome people working on the steam-runtime at Collabora for Valve, in person the two people who did the actual work, Simon McVittie (smcv) and Ludovico de Nittis (denittis).

If you're interested in details, please see the following list of relevant commits to the steam-runtime and the steam-runtime-tools:

Additional notes
Please note that our packaged system installed version of e.g. vkBasalt doesn't work out-of-the-box under steam-runtime as neither /etc nor /usr are mapped into the container, so to get things working you've to configure vkBasalt.conf in your home directory and additionally copy over the Shaders and Textures into your home directory as well and setup their paths in vkBasalt.conf if you make use of the reshade shaders. A smiliar approach might apply to MangoHud.

Timo Gurr (tgurr)

1 ความเห็น
valczir 15 ม.ค. 2019 @ 2: 23pm 
:wave: just saying 'hi', since I finally got the last few cross-compile steps for steam finished. I'm an exherbo newb.
2 ในแช็ต
3 ธันวาคม 2014