Darahkubiru Dota Community Darahkubiru
Darahkubiru Dota Community Darahkubiru
게임 중
2013년 7월 8일
Darahkubiru Dota Community 정보

Darahkubiru Dota 2 Community

Darahkubiru Dota 2 Community

Telah dibuka Steam Group dan In-Game Chat Channel for us Darahbiru. Disini saya hendak mengajak semua kalangan dari MMR 0 - 8244 dari forum ini untuk untuk gabung disini supaya bisa janjian main dan bahkan mungkin ke depannya kita kumpul bersama dan main bersama di suatu tempat.

Pinginnya sih semua dota player di forum ini kumpul tanpa pandang bulu sehingga bisa mencakup semua skill range.
Ngga ada kewajiban kok untuk main harus modal microphone, skill, ataupun pc bagus untuk ngajak each other main bareng, but as always please keep your manner and respect other member baik di thread ini maupun ketika bermain. Kan ngga lucu kalo dithread ini muncul post flaming satu sama lain cuma gara gara main Dota. if i may quote salah satu buku terkenal : "While it is important to win, it is worth nothing if you lose everything along the way"

Akhir kata,
mari kita saling add satu sama lain, find match bersama, terjun payung mmr bersama. Mudah-mudahan dari sini kita bisa saling add Whatsapp, Line, BBM, ataupun messenger lain yang dapat mempererat tali silaturahmi kita.

Salam Jeans, Salam Dota !

Recruiting !
Join Us Shape The Community !

The group is young, it is now prone to mistake and error. If you have any suggestion or critic, feel free to shout it out on this forum. you may as well PM me for anything related to this community.
If you want to volunteer to help administer the Steam Group, let's discuss that. I'm open for any discussion or even a meeting. Hopefuly in the future we can host a "nobar", tournament, or event greater, greater event!

How To Join Darahkubiru Chat Channel
- Open your Dota 2 Client
- Type " /joinchannel darahkubiru " in your chatbox
- Profit!

Official Thread @ Darahkubiru[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Darahkubiru Dota 2 Community Reborn!
Halo Darahbiru,

With this i would like to announce that starting today we can try to reshape our dota 2 community to a better place for us to gather.
There are 2 big thing that you can visit to get to know the new stuff which includes :

1. New Thread in Darahkubiru[]

2. New In-gameChat Channel
  • Open your Dota 2 Client
  • Type " /joinchannel darahkubiru " in your chatbox
  • Profit!

Be sure to check them!

And please add me to your friend list. If you need anything related to this Group, leave me a message to my Steam profile. I'll get back to you asap.
My Steam Profile

댓글 42
✪ False God 2016년 8월 18일 오후 8시 36분 
id db dejansavi
Prof.Komodo 2016년 3월 19일 오전 1시 23분 
id db: soul-kitchen
Arc 2016년 2월 26일 오후 10시 48분 
id db michaelw
ナヤカ 2016년 2월 21일 오후 8시 14분 
id db: erizkumis
dew 2016년 2월 15일 오후 11시 31분 
id db: drsacula
Ãrçkèmist 2016년 1월 19일 오전 9시 27분 
Cobain Channel barunya ya :VSnake: :
- Open your Dota 2 Client
- Type " /joinchannel darahkubiru " in your chatbox
- Profit!
게임 중
7 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2013년 7월 8일
관계된 게임