Bastards of Cap'n May Cap'n May
Bastards of Cap'n May Cap'n May
1 de enero de 2017
United States 
ACERCA DE Bastards of Cap'n May

A crew of privateers!

The B*stards of Cap'n May are pirates! We sail the seas, swashbuckling and plundering! We're rollin' down to Old Maui. Randy-Dandy ho! Rum and wenches, and booty yo! Our Community is master of the ocean and all its beasts. We're nautical to the core. Looking for a large landlubbers to pound the ground with? We're not that kind of community. If you're a salty sea dog, looking for adventure, or even a gill-less beach sponge looking to get wet, we're the community for you! Fair warning, this community is not for everyone. Especially if the ocean scares you! Heave-Ho!

Discord Link: If you join the Discord, please let someone know you're there to join the tribe, otherwise you won't get tagged. We are a discord heavy community, and use Voice a lot.

This Steam Group is for crew and friends of the Crew!

Tribe Page[]
Kingdom of Obelisks: ARK Survival Evolved.
  • Taming Speed: 25x
  • Breeding/Hatching: 25x
  • Harvest: 10x
  • Exp: 5x


This is an event server designed around Tribal Warfare, Diplomacy, Alliances, and betrayal.

Three nations exist on the ARK. The Red Nation, the Green Nation, and the Blue Nation. Each Nation is made up of a coalition of Tribes who defend their territory from invasive enemy forces, while simultaneously trying to conquer the weaker Nations.

Each Nation has a Tribe that leads them, and champions their Mini Obelisk, the Symbol of their entire faction. They must protect it well though because if an enemy reaches the Mini-Obelisk and claims it for their own, all of the leader tribe’s structures and tames merge into the Conqueror’s tribe! What then becomes of the fallen Nation? They can submit to the will of the conquerors, and join them, or they can fall back to their allies, rebuild, and rebel to take control of their homeland back!

The first Nation to hold all three Mini-Obelisks wins the Season.
But that is not all. Among the three Nations are hidden dangerous Pirate Nations, who seek glory on their own! These Pirate Nations leech resources from the three main nations, and they also seek to rule the Obelisks! Watch out for these rogues, as they can sneak in and try to steal your hard earned glory. Pirate Nations belong to no alliances, and have no allegiances to anyone other than themselves.

This game mode is all about Tribal Alliances, Diplomacy, and Warfare. It’s designed specifically to create dynamic political events and skirmishes, as well as wars. Tribes should be trying to protect their territory by using Outposts and patrols in order to thwart invasion forces, FOBs, and scouts. They should be trying to wipe out Pirate Nations, and take control of other Obelisks.

On top of the Game Mode, there will also be regular events, such as Races! So if straight up warfare is not your thing, fear not! We'll try to make events to cater to all flavors!

  • This is our first Season, and so our population won’t be huge. Bring your friends, tribes, enemies, and relatives! Duke it out for the Obs!
  • The Tech level is up to Fabricator. There is no Tek Replicator, and no way to get the Replicator, so any visible Tek Engrams are useless. Element, Element Dust, and Element shards of all kinds are also useless.
  • The Server will work to remove all useless Engrams, but it takes time. Engrams that can’t be used, or are duplicated will be removed at some point. (Its our first time collectively running a server, so please bear with us! :D )
  • There are no kit shops, or In-Game shops. There’s no Pay-to-Win here. We already paid for ARK, no need to pay for other stuff!
  • We welcome all streamers, content creators, etc. to join us and have fun!

Season 4 is on the Horizon!
5 comentarios
Captain Seli 29 SEP 2020 a las 19:00 
We've finally started our own ARK server. Check it out!
Captain Seli 13 OCT 2019 a las 12:53 
We need some Atlas people!
Captain Seli 20 AGO 2019 a las 22:57 
No Man Sky time.
Captain Seli 11 ABR 2017 a las 2:26 
Season 5 is once again going to allow larger tribes.
Captain Seli 27 ENE 2017 a las 12:52 
Going to be using the Steam Group more for planned events!
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1 de enero de 2017
United States