STEAM グループ
ATLANTIS - The Island (Modded) AMS1
STEAM グループ
ATLANTIS - The Island (Modded) AMS1
ATLANTIS - The Island (Modded) について

ATLANTIS - The Island (Modded)

Hi All, Welcome to The Atlantis Modded Server!

This ARK is designed for people who are looking for casual, fun gameplay, with a nice variation of mods to enrich gameplay.

This is a PvPvE server,however PvP is NOT allowed unless agreed upon between all players involved (and you probably should just let an admin know whats going on!)

This server will be limited to 25 mods, however they are fluid and can be changed as long as 75% of the server agree for the change of mods.

The current list is:

Difficulty 20
Structures Plus
Eco Trees
More Narcotics & More Tranq-Arrows Combined V2.1
Meat Dehydrator
Platforms Plus
Super Spyglass
Auto Torch
Stargate Atlantis [SGA] V2.01
Advanced Rafts
Egg N Poop Collector/Incubator
eco's Tek Decor
High Volume Storage
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Stat Bars
Resource Stacks
Meat Spoiler
Death Helper
Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls v.4.2
Metal Cages Mod v2.0

If you have any question you can add myself, Beardy_Hobbit, on steam for server info etc...

Server Name: ATLANTIS - The Island (Modded)
Server IP:

If you wish to join the main tribe (The ascendants) you must be active on our discord channel at

If you are happy to be in your own tribe then crack on! if you want any help or just people to talk to, we are always more than happy to.

Hopefully see you In-game!

2 件のコメント
Swarek 2017年1月22日 11時23分 
Just 2 things i might ask to vote on? 1. I dont at all like the stats bar, dont know how anyone else feels. 2. Is it possible to bump up the resource spawn to foundations? ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=0.5 Make it spawn closer to bases if it has now been yet done?
TheFloofGamer 2016年12月29日 4時28分 
In light of recent serious nerfage of the Wyverns I did some digging - turns out it is an inherent design "feature" to prevent OP rediculousness on both Player and Dino stats. They call it the "Stat Overflow bug" What it does, because each stat is a 256 bit code, any more than 255 clicks into any stat, ie: 255 pts to HP, 255 pts to melee, etc will reset it to its base tame value (0). SO! to fix this, and prevent any more serious derping of both Players and Dinos we should use the following formula:

Maximum Stat Value = stat point gain x 250 + base TAMED value

For example: Say your stat gain is 20. And your TAMED starting value was 600 it would like this;

MSV = 20 x 250 + 600
MSV = 5700

Hope this helps everyone going forward, might be a bit hard for existing tames, but any new tames it should be good! Happy gaming, and see you on the Ark!
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