Group of Anarchy and Communism
Group of Anarchy and Communism
20 september 2017
61 opmerkingen
BeZboZhnik☭ 10 sep 2024 om 8:30 
Rozz is mad since Steam deleted all his Adolf cuck pictures.
DEUSANAVIT 6 mei 2024 om 16:38 
I'll teach you guys something really cool and fun! Y'all should try it!!! (Specially Lori. In your case, it'll be thrice as great. Trust me.)

Step 1: Open the Steam app and log in.
Step 2: Click the arrow next to your username and click on “Account details" in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Scroll down and go to “Delete my Steam account.”
Step 4: Confirm with the "Proceed to account deletion" button.
Step 5: Enjoy the ecstasy.
BeZboZhnik☭ 14 feb 2024 om 1:43 
Haz destroys anarchist spreading Anti-Soviet Lies!
⑨ IMG_Agoven 5 jan 2024 om 5:13 
We stand together - and together we are stronger!
BeZboZhnik☭ 17 jul 2023 om 9:08 
„Ohne den Putsch von 2014 würde die Ukraine in Frieden leben“ Teil 1 – Interview mit Oleg Nesterenko

„Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist ein Krieg um den Dollar“ Teil 2 von 3 – Interview mit Oleg Nesterenko
BeZboZhnik☭ 7 jun 2023 om 5:37 
Fascism in Ukraine:
https:// (English; 1h:39min)

Faschismus in der Ukraine:
https:// (Deutsch; 1h39min)
energy can boy (isnt dead) 19 feb 2023 om 3:22 
i will continue 2 open my third eye with naughty substances and have good taste in music and long term inner happiness as a result
energy can boy (isnt dead) 19 feb 2023 om 3:20 
straighedges are little lying christian simps, need 2 grow a pair
Chuck 22 dec 2022 om 9:40 
@lori cat nap Straightedge is definitely not poser or fake anarchists. If anything, they're the OG's
BussyBoy 3 nov 2022 om 16:30 
If anyone would like to add me, Feel free.
energy can boy (isnt dead) 27 aug 2022 om 22:53 
straightedges are poser punks and fake anarchists
xXx Life is Straight edge xXx 4 aug 2022 om 10:54 
:_War_: Solidarity Collectives [] is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network that unites several grassroots initiatives. We help the Ukrainian resistance movement to fight the Russian invasion, support progressive forces in this fight,
:_War_: «Колективи Солідарності» [] — це антиавторитарна волонтерська мережа, що об’єднує низку низових ініціатив. Ми допомагаємо українському руху опору протистояти російському вторгненню, підтримуємо прогресивні сили у цій боротьбі/
energy can boy (isnt dead) 31 dec 2021 om 9:47 
ok cuck
Fluxx 28 nov 2021 om 0:40 
Anarchy and Communism is the worst combination since pineapple and pizza
Fluxx 28 nov 2021 om 0:38 
what kind of communism are we talking? like total communism?
energy can boy (isnt dead) 27 nov 2021 om 12:07 
is lizzy dead
miauw3n 13 nov 2021 om 3:02 
anarchy in the uk
Manami Sangaku 17 nov 2020 om 8:19 
sleepy 13 feb 2020 om 23:31 
anarkiddies read theory
KW17 6 jan 2020 om 22:12 
No Gods No Masters No Borders No Nations No Flags No Patriots :_War_::_War_::_War_:
S0cio 11 okt 2019 om 5:56 
death to capitalism!!
KW17 27 jul 2019 om 20:51 
Red fascism is still fascism
Kyrie 17 jul 2019 om 23:34 
left "unity" hurts anarchists. you can't crush the state with the help of statists
Titanoboa 19 mei 2019 om 0:37 
Stalin never died and long live anime
Endan-Shoresh 𒂗𒆗-𒋩𒌍 1 mrt 2019 om 11:27 
Nuke all fascist scum
KW17 27 nov 2018 om 21:08 
Who invited the fascist ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?
يرحمك الله 7 sep 2018 om 22:46 
Feel free to add me c:
Mississippi Wizard 7 sep 2018 om 22:21 
It's really funny that each of you is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mentaly retarded xD
Communism is the biggest mistake right after anime,
BanjoHappySailor 28 aug 2018 om 2:39 
GoldeatH 23 aug 2018 om 16:20 
noob server
Dee Dee 5 aug 2018 om 15:54 
Jonny 8 jul 2018 om 21:18 
Jonny 8 jul 2018 om 21:18 
Jonny 8 jul 2018 om 21:12 
Jonny 8 jul 2018 om 21:08 
You antifags are so weak.
[L²] Kurdayetî 6 mei 2018 om 7:24 
Hello comrades!
haleme883 5 mei 2018 om 12:32 
Ziut 23 apr 2018 om 12:22 
N orht
A tlantic
T errorist
O rganization
anti- 21 apr 2018 om 13:37 
haha u all commies need to be thrown out of a helicopter hahaha get it commies die that way hahaha xd
Ot el bruixot 23 mrt 2018 om 12:31 
MY FRIENDS WE NEED TO REMAKE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :csgox:
Vovus of Bohemia 13 mrt 2018 om 6:49 
,,Kapitalisté mají pohádkové zisky, zatímco dělníci mají hlad"
-Klement Gottwald :ussr_redstar:
haleme883 10 mrt 2018 om 14:07 
Happy anarcho communist day... oh wait that is every day :3
KW17 8 mrt 2018 om 17:30 
Happy International Women's day comrades!
haleme883 6 mrt 2018 om 20:21 
i strongly agree with you fellow "real" comrades
KW17 6 mrt 2018 om 19:47 
They don't realize how damaging they are to the movement. Regardless of whether you believe the communist states in the past were actually communist, glorifying the regimes and denying their crimes isn't going to convince anyone to join our side.
Saggy Shaggy's Sunday Special 6 mrt 2018 om 19:42 
Tankies set us back sooooo much :/