Achievement buds {[(AB)]}
Achievement buds {[(AB)]}
게임 중
2010년 5월 19일
United States 
Achievement buds 정보

Bringing u achievements since 2010

This is a group where we all talk about achievements, how to get them, or any other stoof. If u r a stranger that ask me (ZoMbiE oVErLoRd) to be on ur friends list then i wont accept it unless i noe u from somewhere( like in game or real life).PS: Like most pple i have a life so sometimes I cant do events or anything or maybe even post events
Dont spam in the chat box
If u r in an event u only get achievements no regular games( Unless if an admin or everybody agrees)
No pervertic people (that either put porn sprays or talk about sex)
We dont allow racism to any race ever
I understand some pple slip out bad words now and then, but plz try not to. If it goes a little too far, you will be kicked.
Always be nice to people in the group
Even if u cant come to events try to come.
If a friend of zombie overlord joins this group he/she will be an admin
Always have fun

If u want me to get a game with achievements and if people keep sujesting it then ill try to get it. also it would be kind enuff to put this abbreviation to ur name {[(AB)]}

Also if u r having a hard time earning an achievement and u want to ask a question on how 2 get it post a comment to this group it should have the following:
1: the name of the achievement
2: the game that has that achievement
3: Any other additional info such as a part ur struggling on (optional but reccomended)

Remember the main point of this group is to help you get achievements on certain games.

Leaders profile
Youtube profile
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Phonebloks! SUPPORT!
MineCraft HungerGanes Starting Now!
댓글 21
Im Atlas, Ya Dig? 2017년 4월 15일 오전 6시 35분 
I really miss you guys.
pineapple 2013년 1월 20일 오전 9시 55분 
This group needs to become active again D:
{[(AB)]} ZoMbiE oVErLoRd 2011년 5월 26일 오후 5시 39분 
Thank u Dark Magic for ur support :)
Karma 2011년 5월 25일 오후 9시 36분 
AB Must Be the most Greatest Group on steam :)
{[(AB)]} ZoMbiE oVErLoRd 2011년 4월 22일 오후 12시 21분 
Your welcome :)
Ponchik 2011년 4월 22일 오후 12시 15분 
게임 중
4 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2010년 5월 19일
United States