YoS Podcast YoSPod
YoS Podcast YoSPod
게임 중
2015년 2월 28일
United States 
YoS Podcast 정보

Year of Steam Podcast

The Steam Group for the Year of Steam Podcast.

Year of Steam Podcast[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Borderlands Livesteam
댓글 23
Vahn Blackburn 2015년 9월 7일 오후 5시 18분 
Just to make sure everyone knows, our episode this week will be dealyed a little. Lorin just moved and doesnt have internet.
SaintlyStu 2015년 8월 29일 오후 12시 24분 
Pregnancy - A short interactive story where you are a voice inside the head of a pregnant 14 year old girl. The story is short but tells an emotional journey where you can help influence or guide Lilla's decisions. It can be hard being confronted with your own biases especially when you try to force an outcome on somebody else. A worthwhile experience that also gives a comparison between your choices and other players' at the end
SaintlyStu 2015년 8월 28일 오후 3시 12분 
The Bridge - With heavy inspiration from Escher drawings this puzzle game has a look that will delight, but it ultimately frustrates due to the difficulty ramping up quickly after the early levels. Without the Steam forums and Youtube I would have given up on this a lot earlier than I did. I completed the main story but gave up doing the mirror levels and achievement hunting
SaintlyStu 2015년 8월 28일 오후 3시 02분 
Hook - Completed in 51 minutes and costing 79p this little puzzle game values your time and money more than some big Hollywood films. The goal is to remove each hook using switches and junctions without getting them snagged on another hook. For the price of a chocolate bar the game and creator are worth supporting
Yabadabajew 2015년 7월 13일 오후 3시 57분 
Loving the new mini episodes every other week! You guys really brighten up my week every week now :)
SaintlyStu 2015년 6월 17일 오전 2시 13분 
VVVVVV - This game just makes me grin from ear to ear. It's a reto platformer that harks back to Jet Set Willy days with a similar aesthetic, but faster paced. Go through each level to find your lost crew and piece together what happened to your spaceship. The action is punishing, but with immediate restart and good checkpoints it keeps you coming back for more
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2015년 2월 28일
United States