Thrasher's Betting Predictions ThrashBets
Thrasher's Betting Predictions ThrashBets
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2015년 7월 18일
Thrasher's Betting Predictions 정보

Thrasher Predictions & Advice - Please read Announcements & Discussions

What's up guys? Thanks for joining Thrasher! I've finally decided to go public with some bettings predictions for each and every game on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! I've been betting for over a year, and I've had the most amazing turnarounds! Prntscr[] | Prntscr[] Some of my greatest bets I did with predictions and researched data I'm now giving out for free in this group! Those screenshots are just a small fraction of the skins and returns that I have gotten using my proven betting methods that are guaraenteed atleast an 85% win rate!

>If you are new please take a moment to read our Code of Conduct for the group Click here for more information<

>Check out information about joining my premium betting group! Click here for more information<

>If I DO NOT post a game in the free group it means to either bet low on the underdog or skip, or it could also mean it is already posted in the premium group. If it is because of skipping or going on the underdog it is because there are / were better games to bet on that day<

All bets will be posted in the discussions tab, and they will be announced via the annoucements tab. I encourage each person to anyalize my data, and bet smart according to it. You may also feel free to use solely my predictions, but be careful when it is a "High risk" or "Very High risk" bet as they mean what they mean. I will also aim to post bets on time, and sometimes even the night before the matches begin. You just need to make sure you are watching my page!

If you are interested in getting all of each day's games fully predicted with even more data, and getting all of these predictions the day before I urge you to join my Premium group that cost 2 keys per month. You can read more about this in the discussions tab.

>Note< All bets are prone to risk. This risk is bone solely on he/she who bets on their own accord and any losses are in no way, shape or form associated with Thrasher's Betting Predictions. Betting suggestions and opinions are based on the information presented at the time. Predictions are subject to change with or without notice depending on each situation.
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July 19th 2015 Bets
댓글 36
DeadAcc12345678 2015년 7월 30일 오후 12시 48분 
Does anyone have a single skin worth like 50p? It's all I need - If I buy things I have to wait a week to trade :'(
Erikas 2015년 7월 20일 오후 9시 11분 
Dead group, feed this group money if u want predictions. just a tip.
DeadAcc12345678 2015년 7월 20일 오후 5시 24분 
DeadAcc12345678 2015년 7월 20일 오후 5시 23분 
Guys you do realise this group he just copies someone elses predicitons and then has his own "premium" group to make money out of someone elses hard work...
Don40 2015년 7월 20일 오전 9시 50분 
McGriff The Crime Dog 2015년 7월 20일 오전 8시 57분 
todays games??? gonna start soon
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2015년 7월 18일
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