The Realms of Golgotha =Golgotha=
The Realms of Golgotha =Golgotha=
9 mars 2015
OM The Realms of Golgotha

The place of the skull

Current Year: Y2499 LE(Year 2499, Light Era)

How did it come to this?

Long ago in a most distant land, chaos and death was a way of life. After the Second Great War, the Dark Goddess of Golgotha rose triumphant against those seeking freedom, liberty, and peace. The Dark Goddess forcibly seized much of the land in which she transformed into a vast graveyard. Under the threat of annihilation, many nations heeded to her demands in which great tributes and slaves were sent to her corrupted fortress capital of Golgoth, as well as the raiders of the Wildlandz are allowed to roam unchecked. Such a horrible time as the new era looks grim for all.

As many were conquered and subdued, there are still a few free nations who havent bowed the knee to the evil Dark Goddess.

The stubborn Dwarves, a race of great miners and warriors, sought to barricade themselves within their mountain cities. The noble and haughty High Elves, a proud race of gifted fighters and wizards, seen as the most intelligent of races, isolated themselves in their blissful yet mysterious Isle of Aurorlethyr. The willful humans of the various factions. Though slightly different and diversed from each other, they will use their adaptability and fierce determination to remain free from all other influences as well as carve out kingdoms, empires, and nations for themselves. The proud and sadistic Dark Elves, a twisted elven race of murderous cutthroats who thrive on the labor of slaves and have been torn apart from constant years of civil wars. Though many have bowed the knee to the Dark Goddess, others hope to unite the Druchii under one banner to bring war to their inferiors. Last but not least, the demi-god Atlanteans, the favored civilization of the gods. The Atlanteans believe greatly in quality over quantity. They are a dedicated civilization that rivals even surpasses the other races in skill, smithing, even intelligence to a degree. They show great pride in being the gods' chosen race. It is also said that the gods has blessed them with everything, and on the island of Atlantis, the Atlanteans appear to truly have it all.

Map -WIP-[]
Guess whose back..........
Just a heads up
5 kommentarer
Lady Dhaalinde Sunfang 1 nov, 2015 @ 18:31 
Unfortunately, no. There are nations already in place for the lore. Also, apologies that the rp hasnt launched as planned, been really busy with real life.
ExaltedPhoenyx 1 nov, 2015 @ 17:58 
Agreed, just kinda busy. Will have it launched soon.
ExaltedPhoenyx 25 apr, 2015 @ 20:20 
How did you get in here? Who are you? Lol
Spottedmask 25 apr, 2015 @ 4:09 
Thrid! Third is the best anyways!!
ExaltedPhoenyx 9 mar, 2015 @ 19:29 
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9 mars 2015