กลุ่ม STEAM
TwitchPlaysPokemon TPPKMN
กลุ่ม STEAM
TwitchPlaysPokemon TPPKMN
22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2014
เกี่ยวกับ TwitchPlaysPokemon

Twitch Plays Pokemon Fangroup!

Welcome one and all to the offical TPP fangroup! Here we discuss all things TPP related!

Adventure Progression![sites.google.com]


What's Twitch Plays Pokemon?
Twitch Plays Pokemon (or TPP for short) is a Twitch.tv stream in which we all play Pokemon Red version by typing in commands into the chat! Try it out, it's loads of fun!

Where can I watch/participate in this stream?

What kind of things does this group do?
Have general discussions about TPP, share fanart, headcanons and argue over which side is better: Dome or Helix!

Dome? Helix? What do you mean?
The Dome Fossil and Helix Fossil are seen as the God/Satan of the TPP fandom. Dome being evil and Helix being good.

What is Democracy and Anarchy?
It's a voting system in which we decide how we play the game.
Anarchy: We all type in commands and have RED hopelessly flail around
Democracy: Every 20 seconds the stream adds up the amount of votes for an input and the one with the most votes puts forward the command.

When there is a Democracy, we keep overshooting our target. Why?
It's a Twitch stream, which means there will be a 20 second delay. Type in a command one step before to compensate for the delay!

Twitch Plays Pokemon[www.twitch.tv]
TPP Adventure Status[sites.google.com]
Pokedex completion hype! Mewtwo left to get!
We've glitched the game!
11 ความเห็น
full of pilk 17 มิ.ย. 2014 @ 6: 01pm 
pepsinan 3 เม.ย. 2014 @ 2: 30pm 
Helix forgive us of our sins, the false prophet hath cursed this rare candy.
Poppy Brothers Jr. 1 มี.ค. 2014 @ 5: 23pm 
Hello, it is me, your lord and savior, the helix fossil. Would you like to join me in my holy and divine church of helix? It is open to all who worship me or want to be enlightend into out sacred religion. May anarchy bring you peace!

Heinz Pepperoni 1 มี.ค. 2014 @ 8: 27am 
Good Helix Day, everybody! Hope next stream will be as good as this one was.
NanoPi 1 มี.ค. 2014 @ 7: 16am 

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SONG ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Widget 1 มี.ค. 2014 @ 1: 09am 
0 ในแช็ต
22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2014