RolePlay Community Life is Feudal (RPCLiF) RolePlay LiF
RolePlay Community Life is Feudal (RPCLiF) RolePlay LiF
4 mei 2015
OVER RolePlay Community Life is Feudal (RPCLiF)

RolePlay Community Life is Feudal (RPCLiF)

- RPCLiF is a community dedicated to roleplaying, building, crafting and trading
- We want a thriving, buzzling community where people meet, share stories from their latest gaming and tell rumours of the newest and coolest games.

RolePlay Community Life is Feudal[]
May 11th, 2024 - RPCLiF 3 Part Iteration Start
RPCLIF Announcing the Ebryan Chronicles - Book 1 "Eastbourne Village"

We're excited to announce the beginning of a 3 iteration story starting on May 11, 2024 1:00 PM ET. Each of the three iterations will last 6 weeks, with scheduled events and story to give the players a beginning, middle, and end during each book, with all three culminating to a finale. Within the Ebryan Chronicles we will be utilizing custom mechanics to facilitate Ebryan law & bounty system.

What to Expect
  • 2 characters per player
  • All events scheduled by launch
  • Custom character packages
  • New clothes
  • No Regionals Or Blueprints
  • Law & bounty system
  • Detailed war system
  • Introducing factions

As we approach the 9 Year Milestone of RPCLIF we're excited to focus again on the roleplay & community that originally brought us together.

We look forward to seeing you, and your characters, in Varrowynd!

Character Applications Now Open!!! at

Life is Feudal MMO has launched into Open Beta
29 opmerkingen
Kel 2 mei 2024 om 18:04 
RPCLIF Announcing the Ebryan Chronicles - Book 1 "Eastbourne Village"

We're excited to announce the beginning of a 3 iteration story starting on May 11, 2024 12:00 PM (Reflected in your local time). Each of the three iterations will last 6 weeks, with scheduled events and story to give the players a beginning, middle, and end during each book, with all three culminating to a finale. Within the Ebryan Chronicles we will be utilizing custom mechanics to facilitate Ebryan law & bounty system.

What to Expect

2 characters per player
All events scheduled by launch
Custom character packages
New clothes
No Regionals Or Blueprints
Law & bounty system
Detailed war system
Introducing factions
Byzanoid 25 apr 2018 om 18:56 
"After a five month break to explore Abella on the MMO, it's time for us to come home and give the old horse RPCLiF a swift kick in the rear to get trotting again.
On the 28th April, at 17:00 CEST (15:00 UTC) we will open the gates once more for an all new iteration.
We've already been hard at work to prepare the relaunch and - as always - we will have an all custom map, just for us.
Over the next days, we will unveil some of our new features here. There will be lots of things you are used to but also a couple things that might surprise even our veterans ;)

Stay tuned!"
Involved 8 mrt 2018 om 22:15 
Had a good time on that server, long while ago.
Raelynn 24 jan 2018 om 9:42 
If you are still playing Life is Feudal Your Own, and are looking for a RP server, since RPCLIF is no longer up (*sad face*) Isles of the Emerald Raven is a RP server! Feel free to check it out!
Olafr_the_Viking 26 nov 2017 om 1:32 
Life is Feudal MMO has launched into Open Beta. Come join us in the North America (NA) server, it is so much fun!
Olafr_the_Viking 19 okt 2017 om 14:16 
This group is getting active again. Brother from RPCLiF has just been promoted to Officer, he'll have the daily responsibility for running this group, since I am not playing LiF at the moment, and have a lot of real life stuff to take care of.
4 mei 2015