Project ApocalipZ ApocalipZ
Project ApocalipZ ApocalipZ
18 December, 2013
Batatyzze 2 Aug, 2015 @ 11:57am 
Batatyzze 22 Nov, 2014 @ 9:28am 
Olá, estou muito ancioso com o lançamento do game. Mas estou com algumas duvidas também...
Eu vi que em uma reportagem que vocês fizeram ao site "OVERLOADR", vocês citaram que o jogo começara no SUL do Brasil, então Curitiba-PR estará no mapa do jogo ?
E a dublagem dele, será em Portugues ?
Crosstalk 16 Oct, 2014 @ 11:55am 
Desculpae filhão ;v Não sabia,mas sim,PC bom já tenho aqui <3
Rafael 11 Oct, 2014 @ 5:50pm 
ja tem o beta e muito tempo filho ja ta disponivel pra download mais o jogo n é bem levinho n
então vc vai precisar de um bom pc
Crosstalk 11 Oct, 2014 @ 3:14pm 
Ae cara! Você vai liberar uma versão beta,ou alpha do jogo algum dia?

Continue com o bom trabalho,precisamos de mais pessoas como você na Indústria dos games no Brasil!
Hao 10 Oct, 2014 @ 12:28pm 
cara voce ainda nao se viu voce e uma evoluçao para os jogos do brasil sou teu fan :)
Crom! 7 Mar, 2014 @ 6:14am 
Hi Jacques,
How is your project going ? doing good recently ? Sorry for the absence. I'm still thinking about your game, and it might be good to find a concept that really changes from the other zombie games. Surely there is a lot to do with interactivity within players, like some actions you can only proceed when you bring two people together... I'll be back quickly to put illustrations on the concept ;)
Crom! 29 Jan, 2014 @ 8:43am 
Hi mate,
I heared you want to develop multiplayer and interaction between human players... Maybe I could try to sketch some of interactions I would like to see for a FPS/TPS game like this :)
See you,
jacques.jose 26 Dec, 2013 @ 4:32pm 
Hello, Behelit.
would love your help in the developing.
Mental note: I need to change the name of the game =]
Your question is similar to the Don Rafael.
Surely it's more like an arcade game.
Is fast. Violent. Sometimes sarcastic, maybe funny.
It's not another "Daylight."
jacques.jose 26 Dec, 2013 @ 4:19pm 
Thank you guys for your interest in the project
Don Rafael - look, I started the project thinking something in Gears fo War style.
My game is a multiplayer Coop
Something fast, dynamic.
The zombies are not the focus. It's the interaction between players on the same team.
I know, it was a bit vague.
We are finishing a function based on this concept and you will be amazed. Seriously.
TheSpaniard 26 Dec, 2013 @ 2:31pm 
I am very excited to dicuss the development of this game. It seems to have a talented design team. I am also curious as to what is the "essence" of the game, and what separates it other zombie shooters?
Crom! 26 Dec, 2013 @ 5:23am 
Hi, my name is Norman, french dude, I'm interested in helping you to develop ideas and concepts for your game. I've found funny that the main title looks like one of my pen&paper RPG (the project is still in development) called Apocalyp'Z (this must be a sign, lol) !

I might come sometimes to get some news about your project. So, you've planned to create a FPS/TPS game in a zombie apocalypse. I wonder what will be the "essence" of the game ? Will it be arcade-based, or simulation ; is it an open world, or a main story cut into levels ? Multiplayer ? I'm very curious and willing to hear more about ApocalipZ, so please keep in touch, bye.