PoE Can't Mine! PoECantMine
PoE Can't Mine! PoECantMine
28 oktober 2010
63 kommentarer
GtGamer 6 jan, 2015 @ 6:23 
Check out the discussion if you are interested in starting this thing back up.
Sannyasin [TwineCabal!] 16 feb, 2013 @ 10:32 
Hey, what's going on with the server. I log on, build some stuff, come back a week or so later and it looks like the server got restored to a previous state and all my building is undone. I'm hesitant to start a major building project.
Sannyasin [TwineCabal!] 6 jan, 2013 @ 15:07 
I think the IP addresss changed but if you just use it should resolve to the correct IP address and you should be able to join.
CPOKashue 6 jan, 2013 @ 9:51 
I haven't been able to log on in a couple weeks, is the server still alive?
Cap'n Professional 27 okt, 2012 @ 20:13 
derk derk derk i want to mine i can't mine boobly boo seriously server update pls kthx
Sannyasin [TwineCabal!] 27 okt, 2012 @ 14:59 
When is the server going to be upgraded to the latest version?
Cap'n Professional 27 sep, 2012 @ 21:30 
I think the server is broken
CPOKashue 4 sep, 2012 @ 11:24 
There's a mob grinder now, for skeletons! The portal is near mine, which is near Sanny's. Exact coordinates are 45x345. CONVENIENT!
Cap'n Professional 15 aug, 2012 @ 18:20 
First overworld gate spawn of a zombie pigman. Yay. Also, a nether railway has now linked spawn with our distant crap out at the 2000, -2000 area. NETHERAIL™ is back in business, hot damn.
Sannyasin [TwineCabal!] 8 aug, 2012 @ 6:49 
What happened to the map?
NowWithLess 16 jun, 2012 @ 13:07 
Fix that ♥♥♥♥.
Cap'n Professional 11 jun, 2012 @ 4:04 
So, hey, what's wrong with the server? It's been super laggy--15 second delays in opening chests and crafting tables, for example--and the connection's been almost impossible to establish. They're getting worse every day, but I don't know why.
Cap'n Professional 26 apr, 2012 @ 2:27 
HEY EVERYBODY I HAVE GRASS DOES ANYONE NEED SOME GRASS C'MON DUDE I GOT SOME DIRTY NUGGS seriously, if you need grass for your skydirt just let me know
CPOKashue 19 apr, 2012 @ 14:47 
So if you guys are in need of wool, my sky fortress now hosts an adorable family of gaily colored sheep (no green ones yet but I'll be owrking up a cactus farm SOON). Come help yourselves to all the delicious wool you want for fabric-based projects (yurt city in hell?)

Please do not KILL the sheep, it was a pain in the balls horsing the first breeding pair up there.
Cap'n Professional 26 mar, 2012 @ 20:17 
NETHER FORTRESS FOUND at end of +z railway (about z +1280 in Nether) me and blackson built into it but got our asses kicked. We need more nerds to take this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ down.
Cap'n Professional 4 mar, 2012 @ 2:27 
it is up and IT IS GLORIOUS and full of abandoned ♥♥♥♥.
Vandertramps 23 feb, 2012 @ 16:42 
dudes i didn't even realize this was back up.
Cap'n Professional 16 dec, 2011 @ 23:49 
UPDATE I think Notch fixed it. Someone did, anyway.
Cap'n Professional 20 nov, 2011 @ 0:26 
man the "restart and try to log on four times" thing is obnoxious. NOTCH FIX IT
BEEF SWELLINGTON 10 nov, 2011 @ 15:47 
Keytar Solo 8 nov, 2011 @ 5:39 
GtGamer 6 nov, 2011 @ 22:39 
See Announcement
NowWithLess 6 nov, 2011 @ 15:10 
BEEF SWELLINGTON 3 nov, 2011 @ 8:35 
Unless the terrain generation engine changes drastically, I don't think a map reset will be necessary. We're already rechunked with all the latest business in all the uninhabited areas.
Sannyasin [TwineCabal!] 31 okt, 2011 @ 19:41 
Are we going to to a complete map reset when the game is out of beta finally?
Keytar Solo 6 sep, 2011 @ 2:14 
CPOKashue 2 sep, 2011 @ 13:57 
I'v personally been off my minecraft oats- I haven't played for a while, and with 1.8 replacing the map gen it seems pointless to start up now.

Totally gonna jump back on the wagon when that update rolls out though.
Cap'n Professional 1 sep, 2011 @ 18:57 
so is the server offline for good (well, until migration and 1.8)? can't connect, after all...
Cap'n Professional 11 aug, 2011 @ 2:29 
Railroads are snaking out in the Nether. One goes out to Z -6700 with gates at Z -4000 (arctic edge!) and Z -2600; another goes to Z +1560. The nexus is near Teldin's (Pony's) gate. I built another from there to the big room in the Nether.
BEEF SWELLINGTON 22 jul, 2011 @ 23:26 
the airships look super awesome, but we already have issues with CERTAIN PEOPLE taking huge walks and doubling the map size.
Thursday 21 jul, 2011 @ 17:42 


Using a ship with piston operated bomb bay doors to drop TNT. Or side extensions that can be powered to drop attached TNT blocks on activation. Also a large sphere shaped ship with piston operated doors and a regular TNT cannon inside. Rotate the ship to fire at any angle!
BEEF SWELLINGTON 14 jul, 2011 @ 5:47 
baldr, drop me a line when you're free and I can fix your nether issue
Thursday 11 jul, 2011 @ 20:32 
Also, I am super pleased with Madhouse Keep, the new sandstone castle at around -500, -30. The gates are pretty sweet in particular, even though I only had enough redstone today to finish two of the three gates. I've never really worked with redstone before the addition of pistons and now I never have enough!
Thursday 11 jul, 2011 @ 20:26 
The Nether thing has happened to me too. The best way to avoid it as far as I can tell is to not disconnect in the Nether. To get off the ceiling, get in touch with Beef. He can teleport you to him. Alternatively, type /kill in the speech box, and you'll die and respawn. You do lose everything the second way, but if you aren't carrying anything important it's your best option.
CPOKashue 19 jun, 2011 @ 15:02 
I have a (slow) working mob farm near my base that should soon have a cactus farm added to it. No coordinates, just go to the Tower O' Doom from the NEther then follow the paving stones to the big hill with the huge bonfire on it.

Remember to throw the lever outside the collection room from "Awesome" to "Lame" and wait a couple seconds before you go in.
badpassword 12 jun, 2011 @ 22:34 
I found a skeleton spawn undeground and converted it into a grinder, building a stair to the surface above. The coordinates are:

x: -783
y: 77
z: 29

Arrows and bones!
Thursday 28 maj, 2011 @ 14:03 
Good news! I found a buttload of relatively easy to harvest glowstone and brought back a full stack. I also built a panic room in the general vicinity with a chest full of life-giving wheat.

Some of the glowstone went to the scenic overlook, but most of it is in the nether chest by ohemmali's gate for anyone that wants it.

I had a close encounter:
GtGamer 25 apr, 2011 @ 21:25 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ creepers won't leave me alone.
Voodoo Pork 8 apr, 2011 @ 11:45 
Someone did something somewhere. Someone should do something about this.
Nostradumbass 6 apr, 2011 @ 19:28 
Haha, I blew up that stupid pyramid.
GtGamer 6 apr, 2011 @ 18:06 
me thinks tis so and beef will be stuck at work for a while
NowWithLess 6 apr, 2011 @ 13:31 
Is the server down?
BEEF SWELLINGTON 31 mar, 2011 @ 22:43 
anybody know how to make powered minecarts not suck? The difficulty in getting the damn things to actually push other carts would be fine if they moved at least as fast as I can walk, BUT THEY DON'T!
BEEF SWELLINGTON 31 mar, 2011 @ 19:09 
NowWithLess 31 mar, 2011 @ 16:12 
I logged in and a Creeper blew up right behind me and blasted a hole in someone's house. Sorry!
BEEF SWELLINGTON 24 feb, 2011 @ 21:52 
I'm hosting a server, probably 24/7 now. Resolve and connect. Stake a claim for yourself and start building!
Baldr 21 jan, 2011 @ 18:19 
I haven't been able to connect in weeks. It's been so long I don't even remember what I was building.
Skhost 20 jan, 2011 @ 17:41 
I need a project, otherwise I just blow stuff up. So, suggestions
Thursday 18 jan, 2011 @ 7:38 
I've been back at college for a while and not playing. My college computer has a 128mb video card and Notch's latest update has made the game laggy as hell. The dude added a bunch of user made mods and raped the performance again.

I'm getting a new computer soon though! In the meantime, here is a tutorial on boat elevators. (I'm really happy to see a tutorial without a horrible 12-year old voice)

Someone also developed a 'smart' boat elevator that can be called. Unfortunately, it has a voiceover, though not of horrible quality.
badpassword 8 jan, 2011 @ 21:58 
I haven't been able to get into either PoE server for days... are they down? The refuses connection, if that's any indication.