! Ottow and the Amigos ! O&A
! Ottow and the Amigos ! O&A
15 July, 2009
Klax 20 Jan, 2013 @ 9:44pm 
Oh man! You did change our group picture!
Leto II 20 Jun, 2011 @ 6:51am 
I just imagine this snarky meowing outta' you. Like a cat that wants inside but who'll just stare at you when you open the door.
Klax 20 Jun, 2011 @ 5:04am 
Leto II 20 Jun, 2011 @ 1:38am 
You're ruining the quiet of this group, mang.
Klax 19 Jun, 2011 @ 9:22pm 
Oh, what's up guys? Is everyone still alive out there?
Klax 2 Mar, 2011 @ 12:35am 
Silencio, tiron!
Leto II 28 Feb, 2011 @ 8:51am 
Shut up, scrote.
Klax 28 Feb, 2011 @ 1:00am 
I'm putting this out in the open: I'm the best amigo of this group of chumps.
Leto II 5 Jan, 2011 @ 6:37am 
Hey, Jim-Jam, where's our 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy New Year's' posts?
Klax 5 Jan, 2011 @ 5:31am 
Booga booga booga!!
Jimmy 28 Oct, 2010 @ 9:34pm 
Screw you guys. I'll post one right now (5 or so months late).
Klax 28 Jun, 2010 @ 4:45am 
Our "fearless" leader Hamry-Jam hasn't posted an announcement in forever.
Leto II 27 Jun, 2010 @ 7:07am 
Wooga wooga wooga!
Klax 26 Jun, 2010 @ 8:43am 
Hay girlfrands!
Leto II 17 May, 2010 @ 4:20am 
Hater will hate with impunity. But yeah, player of the week for at least half a year now? He's reasonably died of old age by now. Also, what's the deal with his Steam Rating? It keeps going down.
Klax 17 May, 2010 @ 2:05am 
Haters gonna hate?
Jimmy 16 May, 2010 @ 9:26pm 
Hey screw you, bro. Amigos 4 life is right. And how you gonna say that Chives isn't the player of the week, hater.
Leto II 15 May, 2010 @ 10:32pm 
Quiet, you. You need to get on TF2 and play some custom maps with me. I found a living server! :D
Klax 14 May, 2010 @ 7:51pm 
Amigos 4 life!
Leto II 11 May, 2010 @ 5:55pm 
So, I like how Old Man CHIVES is still player of the week. We've really done a lot as Amigos.
Klax 12 Feb, 2010 @ 2:38am 
He's no amigo of mine.
Jimmy 26 Jan, 2010 @ 5:14am 
Señor Ottow doesn't think you suck. Señor Ottow is your amigo!
Klax 18 Jan, 2010 @ 11:15pm 
Mr. Ottow sucks - I haven't announced that in awhile.
Leto II 2 Jan, 2010 @ 11:46pm 
Shut you, you old bat. You know I don't know how to use computers. You probably did that didn't you, you spiteful wench.
Klax 2 Jan, 2010 @ 3:12pm 
Look who's speaking, Old Man Worm.
Leto II 10 Oct, 2009 @ 9:37pm 
Be he's so mean and old.
Jimmy 10 Oct, 2009 @ 10:29am 
Old Man Chives will always be the member of the week for every week. Please respect.
Leto II 10 Oct, 2009 @ 3:07am 
I thought he died.
Klax 9 Oct, 2009 @ 6:55am 
I like how Old Man Chives is still group member of the week.
Leto II 8 Oct, 2009 @ 5:18am 
Yay! We have more Amigos in Ottow & Amigos!
Klax 29 Sep, 2009 @ 8:46pm 
A Left 4 Dead update! - crazy!
Leto II 13 Sep, 2009 @ 8:39am 
It's just called futball down there, amigo.
Klax 11 Sep, 2009 @ 6:28pm 
He also played on the Puerto Rican professional soccer team.
Leto II 9 Sep, 2009 @ 11:16pm 
He was a conductor and world renowned Opera singer...Yes. He can do it.
Klax 9 Sep, 2009 @ 4:53am 
We'll get the local choir school boys to sing for the soundtrack. Mr. Ottow has connections with them, doesn't he?
Leto II 2 Sep, 2009 @ 1:34am 
Would we have a great soundtrack playing in the background? If not, I'm out.
Jimmy 31 Aug, 2009 @ 8:30am 
He's too old.
Klax 24 Aug, 2009 @ 5:14am 
Sup, amigos. I think we should all join a bald men prison cult and try to survive an encounter with a xenomorph. Old Man Chives knows how to use a rifle, right?
Klax 14 Aug, 2009 @ 10:15am 
....except at the old people's home that Old Man CHIVES lives in?
Jimmy 12 Aug, 2009 @ 3:24am 
This isn't Vietnam, sir. You can't just get a prostitute anywhere you want anymore.
Old Man Chives 6 Aug, 2009 @ 7:14am 
Hey young man. Do you know where I can get a prostitute and some Viagra.
Klax 6 Aug, 2009 @ 7:12am 
(I'm not sure this group has a safe and friendly atmosphere with Old Man CHIVES as a member...)
Klax 6 Aug, 2009 @ 7:11am 
Correction: the spy doing the back stab would be the sick man. A normal, sane player would pass up going after the sniper in the kangaroo pouch as to not harm the animal from down under.
Old Man Chives 6 Aug, 2009 @ 7:10am 
Screw you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Im a veteran. I dont need this ♥♥♥♥.
Jimmy 5 Aug, 2009 @ 8:33pm 
Are you saying that the kangaroo would be stabbed in the back instead? You sick, sick man.
Klax 5 Aug, 2009 @ 7:24am 
But I am serious. ....(tehe) Just as serious as I was when I said the sniper should get a kangaroo to ride in; it would've functioned just as the razorback, but you could've bounced around.
Leto II 5 Aug, 2009 @ 2:22am 
Yeah, jerk.
Jimmy 5 Aug, 2009 @ 2:15am 
Don't joke. This is a completely serious matter, you insensitive jerk!
Klax 5 Aug, 2009 @ 1:05am 
I heard there is an update for team fortress 2 coming out where you get to ride a big dog. (tehe)
Jimmy 4 Aug, 2009 @ 5:14am