Modern United World RP MUW RP
Modern United World RP MUW RP
21 de enero de 2013
ACERCA DE Modern United World RP

Unity and Peace for all

Welcome to the Modern United World. We are a role playing group aimed at providing the best Rping experience for all members of our tier. We strive to promote justice, and unity in the tier, the laws are aimed to provide a stable and fair way of playing as well as giving the nations freedom in the choices they make.

Council Members
*Timur of Russia
*Thomas Theinsman
*Chaves of Peru
Map Makers(2)
*Timur of Russia
Tier Structure:

The Modern World Tier will be run by you the nations involved however a council will be in place to provide stability and make sure all rules are followed as best as posible. The council members will be voted upon and will have a 5 RP year term in office. Elections will take place to chose new or keep the old council members.
This is a modern tier meaning countries from 2000-2013 may be used only.

1) 1 RP year = 7 RL days
2) No limit on annoucements any spam annoucements can be deleted by the owner.
3) Each nation no matter how small will have a minimum of 5 armies to create more, every 10 regions will equal one army.Same for navies.
4)Nuclear weapons from the start will be owned by nations with nukes in RL no nation will have the right to launch a nuclear weapon without a vote by all other members and must be passed by more than 50% of all council members, votes stay open for 3 days.
5)Nuclear weapons may be created only if application is accepted by the council and will take 10 RP years to build.
6)Only the owner has the right to ban, punish nations nations may also vote for a ban or punishent of a nation and the vote must be passed by 50% of all nations.
7)Any rebels who wish to start a war must inform the owner or any of the council members. A rebellion is allowed only once in 3 weeks.
8)Colonisation events will take place in events once a week.And all colonisation plans must be posted by wendsday with the map update out every thursday.
9)Swearing will not be allowed and will hold a punishment of a 7 day ban for any nation no matter position in tier.
10)Army movement will be simple, if the nation is on the same continent a 12 hour period is the time taken for the army to arrive, any other continent 24 hours need to be allowed for the army to reach the place, same for navies.
11) Bases are allowed to be build in other nations if agreements are reached by both sides.
12)For now no economy will be in place but counties will be allowed to use a type of economy between themselfs if they wish to.
13)Any alliences can only be created if allowed by the council, any nations who wish an allience must talk to the council and only organisations used in RL may be used as names for alliences.
14) Any claims that are use by more than one nations are decided by the council. Mostly the system will be first come, first gets.
15)No historical claims before 1945 may be used.
16) One battle victory will result in 3 gained regions, 1 for naval.

VER TODO (262)
Peace made with Australia
Peru request Permission To Launch Nuclear Weapon
27 comentarios
76561198042439700 15 MAR 2013 a las 12:48 p. m. 
Are we still Alive?
David 21 FEB 2013 a las 8:32 p. m. 
Ok seriously, add my colonial possessions
Sigismund 7 FEB 2013 a las 4:50 p. m. 
Ah yes, thank you
Emperor Romanov 7 FEB 2013 a las 1:41 p. m. 
your not you have been added
Sigismund 6 FEB 2013 a las 5:32 p. m. 
Why am I rejected???
Sigismund 4 FEB 2013 a las 5:54 p. m. 
Name: Federal Republic of Georgia
Lands: Modern day Georgia (COUNTRY), Armenia and Azerbaijan
Political System: Federal Republic