LostCarnage Shuuraid
LostCarnage Shuuraid
게임 중
2015년 10월 4일
LostCarnage 정보

[CAN] [24/7] Shuurai Inf World! PVPVE! Planets and Procedural Asteroids!

Here the Shuurai team are actively working to continually provide the best server experience possible. This includes tweaking configurated files for a better gameplay(such as increased build times and inventory space), providing assitance in all issues that may arise, and taking into account player feedback.

Choosing to come play on the Shuurai server is probably one of the best server-related choices you can make. We are very friendly, very helpful, have an economy, custom planets specifically made for use on this server, and have a lot planned for the future of our server(**cough** Zombie-like creatures **cough*). Shortly, I wish to have a complete account of videos representing our server and it's features.

If I am not on the server, I am probably working on mods/planets/events.. Typically I will stream the creation of mods/planets and you can view the stream at I am more than happy to answer any inquiries you may have in-game, on twitch, on steam, or in teamspeak. Come attempt to survive our harsh galaxy enviroment, or simple come to hang out. It's up to you! ;)

Server IP:

Donation page[]
Zanzikahn's Stream!![]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Server is going down for now!
{UPDATED}Server is having issues due to update!
댓글 18
Acewind 2016년 11월 19일 오전 11시 23분 
not sure if the server crashed, shows me being online, but i am not. tried to restart my pc and still shows me online.
SteveH 2016년 11월 1일 오전 10시 56분 
Lag spike? my base ship & utility ship "jumped" 3/4 of the way into a roid. Now my ship causes instant death, when you enter the area. Happened around 1:40pm est (gmt -5). Hoping for a roll back, from the comments below that seems unlikely..... write of 20 hours work.
Stix 2016년 10월 21일 오전 5시 22분 
This server used to be populated with a great group of people. But constant connection issues, lag spikes, server stuttering and absence of any kind of admins to deal with issues has driven everyone away. Not to mention the recent block degradation mod, which was highly unpopular.

So much potential sitting empty due to neglect.
DreadOwl181 2016년 10월 8일 오전 10시 25분 
There seems to be an issue with server connectivity. Disconnected yesterday and I am still unable to join the world. Upon checking the server status, it says there are 14 people online. Is this an issue on my end or does the server need to be reset?
hachikyu 2016년 9월 25일 오전 10시 10분 
also, should mention I like the server, good times.
hachikyu 2016년 9월 25일 오전 9시 45분 
Something is preventing me from respawning in my ship, "selected medical room not ready" Has been an hour or so...
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2015년 10월 4일
관계된 게임