KappaPrime "KappaPrime"
KappaPrime "KappaPrime"
2015 年 9 月 22 日
關於 KappaPrime

Basics of stricts and rules for you and the clan

HOW TO JOIN: Every one is free to join. Ask a member our a friend thats in the clan. You can also invite friends.!

Wanna help out the clan?? invite ur friends i think u will like it and our other lovely members!! xD

you also need to have contact with other members so we trust you. We dont want any afk-ers. So dont be logged off for longer than 5 weeks our you will get kicked. If you are on vecation tell the owner officers our the adminds. You can also get a friend to tell it for you!

we also got a website for KappaPrime thats getting built on. click this link to go directly to it. if thats not working mark it copy it and paste. got any comments our fixes u want uss to do? just send message to TenniS. HERE YOU GOT THE LINK:

IF YOU WONDERED: Do not be scared of what country your from it doesnt matter. only thing you need is to know a little bit off english. you will not get mobbed our if you do contact an officer our owner from the clan.!

APPLICATION INFO: To send and application for promotion of all the ranks, you need to go to [Post an announcement] there for you type in name how old you are and why you want to become that rank that you chose. When that is done the owner will check your application and decide wether or not our if we will promote you.

BE AWEAR OF THIS: Note that if you have been a member in this clan for over time you will be putted on a score board. You will also get higer on the scoreboard if you play long and have good contact with players in the clan. The owner will check you as you are making proggress. The top 1 on the scoreboard player will offcourse be the player off the week.

HELP: If you need help with something just contact the owner our officers and we will help you! :D And have a nice time.!! :D

Thnks for following the rules and stricts of the clan.
And one more thing. Respect other members off KappaPrime.
0 位交談中
2015 年 9 月 22 日