Hoxhud Payday 2 custom prohud testers HoxHud
Hoxhud Payday 2 custom prohud testers HoxHud
22 марта 2014 г.
Комментариев: 2 120
corpsy 14 мая. 2014 г. в 12:48 
We're changing how applications are handled for future releases. For now we're closing applications as we migrate to the new system. More info on this in the coming hour.
Rush 14 мая. 2014 г. в 12:34 
Hey there, I'm playing PayDay2 since the beginning of the Beta, been pretty active so far with 303 hours of play - most of my time before the infamy DLC ... i'm only I-90, I'm still enjoying the game a loooOOOOoooot. I would love to test your Hoxinator Hud and I would be happy to contribute to the testing & feedback ! I'm a pretty lethal enforcer, even if in general I'm a below average player....PD2 is MY game :)))))
Trivvy™ 14 мая. 2014 г. в 12:32 
If I'm honest, my interest in PAYDAY 2 has dwindled since the newest changes made to the game, the constant grind, mixed in with the lack of new heists. (Played the ♥♥♥♥ out of Election Day though) I'm even discouraged in playing the heists I want thanks to the XP nerfs on repeated heists, even stealth has become more of a chore because the only map that's fun to stealth seems to be Election Day since the changes.

But I digress, I have been a big PAYDAY fan ever since the first game, and my hype carried over for PAYDAY 2. I am hoping that HoxHud will add a little more flavour to the game to re-kindle that spark and get me playing PAYDAY 2, as I really want to like this game again. Hence why I'd like to help test it. Level 80, 130 hours played.
Cool Dude 14 мая. 2014 г. в 12:07 
im just here for the HUD
DarkMage752 14 мая. 2014 г. в 11:51 
Hey! I've been playing PAYDAY 2 for a while now. I'm level 79, halfway to 80 and have put close to 100 hours in game. I'm an honest player and I just want to get as much out of the game as possible. I'm not the best but I've been around the block a few times. The hud just makes everything so much more fluid. Like the Pager counter is invaluable. I also would relish in having the anti-cheat as I can't stand all of these hackers. Overkill is taking baby steps to get rid of them, but it's not there yet. If you could contact me, or send it to me in some way. I would GREATLY appreciate it.
Thawar 14 мая. 2014 г. в 11:48 
Hey hey. I would like to try out hoxhud because why not. II-47 ~200 hours
Player_Tully 64 14 мая. 2014 г. в 11:43 
Level: 100
Play time: 149

I really enjoy this game, i saw this ''mod'' with the hud changed and I think you guys did a great job with it, I would love to have the opportunity to test the hud, since the circles are soo lamee. Thanks for the attention. (Sorry aboult my english.)
Cosmin 14 мая. 2014 г. в 10:23 
Hi ! I have first started playing PAYDAY 2 when it was first released. After a few months I've quit playing it but after some time I've recieved a gift with the game. I started playing and asked on reddit about the new stuff and this is how I've learned about the hoxhud. I currently am level 72 and I have 45 hours played. The hours I've played before quiting didn't count on this steam account, but the level and the inventory remained the same. I would like to test this HUD because I've seen the live streams and some youtube videos and, so far, it looks awesome. Good job by the way !
Melwar 14 мая. 2014 г. в 10:11 
Hi hoxhud team. I'm lvl I-58 i played payday2 218 hours and played payday1 and the beta for payday 2. i really like to try out the hoxhud because i think its a really good improvement for the game. I saw the mod when i was at my cousins home. he is a member of T$E-TAG. and it looked really great.
I hope that i can try it out.
The Letter M 14 мая. 2014 г. в 9:51 
I am a level 100 with ~190 hours played, I would really like to test out your custom hud as I really enjoy PAYDAY 2 and I feel that the HoxHud would be very useful with all the information contained in this hud. Great job with it guys, thanks.
.#SisterFister 14 мая. 2014 г. в 9:47 
Level 78 and 122 hours played! I would like to try out Hoxhud because the normal hud is pretty lame and boring and the hoxhud looks good and is pretty informative, so I would really like to be a tester! :)
Cosmic 14 мая. 2014 г. в 9:43 
Hello Hoxhud team, I am levl I-40 and have 122 hours playing time. I would love to test out your Hoxhud because it has a lot more infomation then the standard HUD. Thanks for your time :)
►MAX◄ 14 мая. 2014 г. в 9:37 
Level: II-100
Play time: 410 hours

I want to test this mod, because i'm sure that HoxHud is very useful thing, because it's informative. It looks pretty nice and i'd be happy to be a tester :)
Stiffcomb 14 мая. 2014 г. в 9:34 
With 400+ hours in this game, the default hud has little no no appeal to me any more, I feel like this is a minor, yet necessary change you've made to the game to help improve gameplay. I'd really enjoy testing this and giving feedback. Thanks.
Player_Tully 64 14 мая. 2014 г. в 8:53 
Level: 100
Play time: 149

I really enjoy this game, i saw this ''mod'' with the hud changed and I think you guys did a great job with it, I would love to have the opportunity to test the hud, since the circles are soo lamee. Thanks for the attention. (Sorry aboult my english.)
Jerry987m 14 мая. 2014 г. в 8:50 
I would like to test out this custom H.U.D, due to the fact that I recently started enjoying Payday 2 again after taking a long break from it around December. A personal gripe of mine while playing was constantly checking the drill time due to my impatience, and a tool to let me know when to be around safes and vaults would be excellent. I am level 85 and show no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Pathetique 14 мая. 2014 г. в 8:45 
Hi, I'd like to be a tester of this mod. :)
I'm a level 100, with 176 hours ingame. Im a big fan of payday 2. I've heard a lot of good things about this mod, I personally would like to try this mod so it would be awesome to try it out! i want to know how much pagers left for me and and the timer for everything! like ECM and etc. I would report for any bugs i experience! Thanks and Stay awesome!
Killing 14 мая. 2014 г. в 7:43 
Hello, I'd like to be a tester of this awesome mod/addon.
I'm a level II-100, with 250 hours ingame. Im a really big fan of payday 2 and I'd like to try something new! I've heard a lot of good things about this mod, so it would be awesome to try it out!
Regards Ramses/The Libre Clan.
darkstorm-audi 14 мая. 2014 г. в 7:35 
Hi, i'm a level V-100 ghost-enforcer and played for 520 hours. I really want to test HoxHud because I think the timing of the jammers could be now easier. And I hope it would protect me against some cheaters;)
WoolfyGor 14 мая. 2014 г. в 7:35 
Hi , i'm have 88 level and I'm starting to get confused how much is left pagers and i wanna test something else
Ophelia☆ 14 мая. 2014 г. в 7:15 
Hi, i'm V-100 enfo-tech and played 700hours. I love to play deathwish but bulldozers screw it many times. so i want to use hoxhud to kill bulldozers with seeing their health
Boris the Warhead 14 мая. 2014 г. в 7:10 
Hi guys! I'm V-100 16 hours in game! Joking :P V-87 and 396 hours and I really really want to take a look at you HUD on my own PC not youtube.)
HrimSorrow 14 мая. 2014 г. в 6:43 
I am enjoying payday2 4 ~ 5 hours every day.
Was the stealth challenge many, but fail to miss the timing of ecm always
If I use the hoxhud if there is to be successful stealth more I am.
vedmed 14 мая. 2014 г. в 6:39 
Hi there, im III-90 lvl and got 360h spending on this game. Would really like to test this hud cus original game miss so much items from your work that could be really really helpful ::TheD:
Beres 14 мая. 2014 г. в 6:32 

I'm level I-72 and played for 144 hours.I really want to try this HUD because i heard a lot of goods things about it.This looks very very good and i want to test it.
Thanks for listening!
Sergei 14 мая. 2014 г. в 5:32 
infamy lvl 1-37 i saw this on youtube and think its great. I would like to test this HUD. thx
[op-ale] Meule 14 мая. 2014 г. в 5:14 
lvl 83. 211 hours of gameplay. mostly stealthing or long range (rifles of sniper)
I would like to test hoxhud to see if it improves the game experience
allergic to deathwish 14 мая. 2014 г. в 5:02 
My level is 86 and I played for 98 hours. I want this hud cause I feel this hud is really cool and give a lot of intel to us what's very important to play the game. Also I want to test this hud. Give it to me!
Ichor 14 мая. 2014 г. в 4:47 
Lvl. 78 47.5 hours played nothing questioned about Payday 2 it is fantastic game the community everything. As this mod adds alot for everyone it gives you extra hand in stealth or just loud.I would love to be apart of the testers for the HoxHud
Thressian 14 мая. 2014 г. в 4:41 
Level 76, 86 hours played, I play with a group of friends all over I-10 and a few of them have HoxHud already so it'd be nice to be able to test it as a group instead of as a single individual. I own all the DLC for the game (bar the soundtracks) and I play regularly so I would be able to give constructive feedback on HoxHud and maybe suggestions on how it could be improved ^.^
Strøier 14 мая. 2014 г. в 4:23 
leve IV-68 177 hours
♛Lastace♛ 14 мая. 2014 г. в 4:22 
V-100 1020 hours I am quite taken with Payday 2 and enjoy playing public and with my steam buddies. My candidacy includes the hours I have played this game, all DLC included, and knowing the game so well I would pick up irregularities quite quickly. I would be proud to help in the testing of Hoxhud after seeing youtube vids of this mod. Awesome job guys. :)
Usefuldiot 14 мая. 2014 г. в 4:13 
II-92 with 310 hours. I've played each class extensively and play online as well as solo. I first heard about this mod on the subreddit /r/paydaytheheist and was immediately excited to try it out. I am always looking to learn more about the game and to improve on my pd2 experience. I look forward to seeing how hoxhud will improve upon the game and would love to help in any way I can.
Liav 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:49 
level I-90 250 hrs i like to play payday2 and i like this mode
i want to test it :)
хохлодемон 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:47 
Level v-100 with 121 hours. But i russian)
Demise 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:42 
Level 80 with 60 hours.
I have heard a lot about this mod and think it gives the game a better feel and can help out a lot with the exta and improved HUD.
I also want to see it become even better and help make it improve.
janchez 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:31 
Im Level III-100, going towards 200h right now. i think this mod is awesome. id really like to help test it to make it even better :)
Samnaske 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:31 
Level 100, 740 hours played, I like to play both as stealth and loud, solo and co-op. I want to try tester for more fun and find another way of playing Payday 2. Somemore, I can record some nice videos for the game play in youtube
fadedpigeon47 14 мая. 2014 г. в 3:18 
Level 100, and around 110 hours. I would like to be tester because recently I was getting bored of payday 2 and how repetitive it was, hopefully, Hoxhud will make me feel like this is a new experience. Because :Y: not?
0rv1s 14 мая. 2014 г. в 2:57 
Lvl \/-100
600+ Hours
Really like the efforts that are put in this project. I hope I can be a tester of all this awesome work.
Kronofogden 14 мая. 2014 г. в 2:01 
I havent played in awhile, but have 62hours played and somewhere on lvl 80.
Stealth was not so good back in the days when i played, and now i want to test it out
BioHazard [742] 14 мая. 2014 г. в 0:00 
level II-81
326 hours
I'd like to be a tester for hoxhud. I really like stealth in payday and hoxhud seems like it would add a lot to that experience.

ilikeoranges 13 мая. 2014 г. в 23:36 
Hey! Recently heard about this mod and checked it out. I think it looks awesome and seems like it would be super useful. So congrats to the devs on their work so far :) Of course I would like to be a beta tester. I have a bit over 140 hours and am lvl 100 (debating whether to infamy or not).
CBiz 13 мая. 2014 г. в 22:34 
Level 82
94 hours
I would like to test HoxHud if possible! I'm just getting back into the game after a brief break and am loving the changes to the game ever since my break. This just seems like icing =) I play every day for a couple of hours, so I'd definitely be down to help test and report feedback!
Nega-Scythe 13 мая. 2014 г. в 22:31 
Level 96
157 Hours
Am a Member of this Group
One of the most intense co-op experiences around atm, saw word of a HUD mod around and searched till i found you
Would very much like to test the HUD to test
JJ 13 мая. 2014 г. в 21:19 
Level I-62
227 Hours
I instantly fell in love with how much information is shown with HoxHUD and I'm more than willing to be a tester for it. I'm the type of person that has to keep track of everything that's going on during a heist. If anything seems iffy in the HUD's numbers, I'll be the first to notice.

Beyond that, I just love how convenient everything is. My main tree has always been MM so keeping track of both the drill and the team's downs becomes a pain after a while. I don't have a preferred type of heist so I'm sure this HUD would get some nice mileage in my hands.
Benna 13 мая. 2014 г. в 21:07 
Hi guys, I'm currently on level V-100 after 500 hours playing. I'd love to help testing something that can freshen up our gaming experience, especially if it can help us avoid cheaters. Hope you can invite me in, thanks.
Tjili 13 мая. 2014 г. в 20:55 
270 Hours, Level V-100
I'd like to beta test HoxHud as i feel the standard UI is a bit clunky and i still plan to put hundreds of hours into this game.
((NICOLAU)) 13 мая. 2014 г. в 20:31 
level V-100
55 hours
experience I had was that I love best
to see that excellent co-op between you and other people, a very good gameplay and good graphics.
I would like to try the Hoxdut that I see a great change that improves the gaming experience
Wrbwfbtbqybyw 13 мая. 2014 г. в 20:10 
I applied for Hoxhud last week and i think i am not going to be invited to the hoxhud testers because i was in a hacked lobby and when the job ended i was infamy V level 100. I really want to test the hoxhud because it looks new and fresh and i have lots of fun on payday 2. I am currently level 52 infamy 1 and i have 89 hours played. I would really love the hoxhud.