Gotham City Impostors Beta GCIB
Gotham City Impostors Beta GCIB
4 October, 2011
PERLAK 23 Mar, 2016 @ 6:11pm 
ERTH 19 Jul, 2014 @ 4:15pm 
anyone playing? ^^
76561198110486514 17 Jul, 2014 @ 11:00pm 
Awesome Game ^^
TigerX 10 Sep, 2012 @ 7:43pm 
i love this game
TheLoveNinja 27 Jul, 2012 @ 10:57am 
Instinct🌴 17 Feb, 2012 @ 6:17am 
{TëåM PÎñK}--Millz311 13 Feb, 2012 @ 9:09pm 
yes harry they are in march
Bruno Barcelos 11 Feb, 2012 @ 6:26am 
Nao consigo entrar em nenhuma partida. Quando vou entrar na partida, todos os players somem e fico sozinho na sala. Alguem sabe oq pode ser?
Harry Messer CZ 11 Feb, 2012 @ 4:20am 
seems everyone is confused from matchmaking lobbys ..please anyone knows if they are making some patch with new matchmaking system?
redpanda 8 Feb, 2012 @ 4:48pm 
Algum português aqui?
Cafar 7 Feb, 2012 @ 4:20pm 
Como poyas puedo cambiar el idioma a español / how i can to change the languaje in game?
Doc 6 Jan, 2012 @ 5:22am 
Does anyone know where the Steam beta keys were being given out? When I check the site they only mention the PS3 and Xbox ones. If anyone knows, please comment on my profile, thanks!
TheLoveNinja 13 Nov, 2011 @ 10:53am 
Looks rly fun.... I rly want to play it....
TheLoveNinja 22 Oct, 2011 @ 9:08am 
wow, i downloaded it and no it is gone off my list of games... whats with that?
[pG] Pr1mordial1 11 Oct, 2011 @ 8:34am 
I know this is a late reply but if people had read the e-mail for the tech beta.It clearly stated -> Join us nightly starting on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, and ending on Sunday, October 9, 2011. Servers will be open from 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST.
Kablah The Careful Danger 10 Oct, 2011 @ 7:11pm 
couldnt load the beta at all. what a waste
TheLoveNinja 10 Oct, 2011 @ 11:31am 
I tried to play this at 12... no luck, then 1:30... no luck. 2:00 when someone said it would be up... no luck... now what?
TheLoveNinja 10 Oct, 2011 @ 7:07am 
Y can't I play???
waffo 9 Oct, 2011 @ 11:06pm 
Good fun when the matchmaking works. Shame we can't chat while we wait.
Metalgearstl 9 Oct, 2011 @ 5:16am 
Ive tried to play this damn game for days and not ONCE have I got a game to start. This game looked lame to begin with and after seeing they cant even get a game started I'm erasing the beta and I will never be spending a dime on this crap.
TiffanyWitcher 8 Oct, 2011 @ 12:47pm 
I've been trying to play also with no luck as well. I don't know what's going on but something has to be fixed.
76561198043260010 8 Oct, 2011 @ 5:33am 
Are you trying to play when the servers are open?? :P
I played from 2-4 and it worked well most of the time!
Grillchips 8 Oct, 2011 @ 5:31am 
For the love of god...
I've been trying to play this piece of crap for three days, sure it's in Beta and all, but comon!
A closed beta is supposed to sort out bugs and shortcomings, but this ♥♥♥♥ aint beyond the developing stage ffs.
Hire a decent programmer to sort this ♥♥♥♥ out. -.-
inastatekate 7 Oct, 2011 @ 11:55pm 
I've been trying for three days now, I just can't get into a game. This is bull.
76561198043260010 7 Oct, 2011 @ 5:50pm 
If you live in Europe, the servers are open around midnight to 6am (different time depending on where you live).
aLte 7 Oct, 2011 @ 9:39am 
I cant play :S the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ marmaking stop at 1 second :O
TiffanyWitcher 7 Oct, 2011 @ 6:30am 
I vanna play.
Wizard Tupac 7 Oct, 2011 @ 5:47am 
Yeah, countdown problem fixed MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ASS!
Grillchips 7 Oct, 2011 @ 4:17am 
Stick it up ur arse.. the countdown problem aint fixed at all. -.-
darkise 7 Oct, 2011 @ 3:53am 
I can't connect to host ;(
Jazzy Waffles 7 Oct, 2011 @ 12:45am 
anybody know how to run in windowed mode?
nuclearwarhead 6 Oct, 2011 @ 8:37pm 
the matchmaking for this game is truly ♥♥♥♥♥. also it's been getting really laggy today. Other than that the game's awesome.
PZYCO, puta 6 Oct, 2011 @ 5:01pm 
the problems for start the match were fixed..i was playing without problems and it's a funny game xD
Rafa_9000 6 Oct, 2011 @ 3:54pm 
i am trading Dead Island CD-key
(+++(---)+++) 6 Oct, 2011 @ 3:25pm 
select New York in Steam options and play game
darkise 6 Oct, 2011 @ 3:21pm 
wtf? now is "Disconnect from the server host time out" What I do wrong?
VX | Mackulay 6 Oct, 2011 @ 2:57pm 
ey guys i backup the game before the game was release october 5 and today that im trying to install (backup) it start to donwload again do you know if a update has relased because maybe thats the reason why i cant install because the backup it is not updated please somebody answer =)
76561198043260010 6 Oct, 2011 @ 10:40am 
The problem when it is 1 or 0 sec left and everyone is waiting is that ppl leave. If you wait ca 5min you'd maybe go into a game and play, otherwise, start over.
And someone mentioned "legal agreement", just press down with the downbutton until you come to the end and then press Enter. I struggled with that for 10min ;P
Grillchips 6 Oct, 2011 @ 10:01am 
Nothing a good old computer reboot wont fix. ;)
yossssman 6 Oct, 2011 @ 8:34am 
i aint able to start the game guys , steam is just notifying me and then dissapearing , nothing comes up and then i see imposters.exe running @ 800kilobytes in task manager , wats up with this guys ? anyone helppp
Grillchips 6 Oct, 2011 @ 7:13am 
This aint no freaking beta, this ♥♥♥♥ aint eaven in alpha-testing.
How do they expect us to "test" a game that doesent eaven start..
LEGION 6 Oct, 2011 @ 5:08am 
This game sux balls, can't join the match...
Metalgearstl 6 Oct, 2011 @ 4:28am 
I havent got this to work once. It stops on 1 or 0 seconds till match starts and nothing happens till people finally leave and it starts all over again. I spent over a hour of waiting for nothing.
darkise 6 Oct, 2011 @ 2:55am 
why time is never ending?
TFNeraZe2 6 Oct, 2011 @ 1:34am 
stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ server uptime, its bs... i only played 2 matches, then servers went offline :@
TFNeraZe2 6 Oct, 2011 @ 1:08am 
just get to the bottom, and after some time, continue or something should come up :P
Good Lord Man 6 Oct, 2011 @ 12:57am 
I can't get past the legal agreement, I read it, I've actually read it but I don't get any sort of accept, or I've read it sort of thing, an explaination for this would be nice
TFNeraZe2 6 Oct, 2011 @ 12:51am 
i can play!! but for some reason, never finshes countdown to begin match?
Schiller 6 Oct, 2011 @ 12:27am 
Hmmm,, I'm able to play from Germany