Far Cry 3 - Community Gatherings FC3 - CG
Far Cry 3 - Community Gatherings FC3 - CG
2013 年 2 月 17 日
关于 Far Cry 3 - Community Gatherings

Far Cry 3's Community Gatherings..

First of all, thank you for taking the time to view this group, it is greatly appreciated!

I've picked up on a few things in my lifetime of playing video games and one of those is that all video games are more enjoyable when playing with friends. Of course we can't expect to friend request every single player we play with in the lobbies, that would just be ridiculous, but what we can do to make the game more enjoyable is form a community within a community so to speak.

Now the reason I say a community within a community is because Far Cry 3 already has it's own community of players and level creators, but it's not exactlly the same sense of a community as the Littlebigplanet series had where you were able to play, meet, share and create with one another whenever you pleased, it's much more linear than that, so here is where I would like to try and escape from this path.

I've created this group, (Far Cry 3 - Community Gatherings) to act as a sort of "social forums" for fans and players of Far Cry 3 to join, meet new people and play with new friends, therefore making the game more enjoyable. Of course with any group, we encourage members to be active, share posts, thoughts, opinions, screenshots and well, anything you please really, (so long as it's appropriate and related to Far Cry 3).

If I'm honest, I don't know how successful this will be, or even if there's any players out there who will find interest in this group, after all, this is my first group i've created but that's not stopping me from trying an idea which I think has the potential to build on the original Far Cry 3's community and to expand. What I'm really looking for in this group's future is that players take interest in it, use it as a way to meet new people, discover news relating to the game and to share their created maps and content.

I personally love being active within communities, and I hope you all do to, again, I welcome any and all Far Cry 3 players and level designers to this group and hope you find it useful and insightful to making your gaming experience more enjoyable!

P.S ~ As this is a newly formed group here on Steam, we would greatly appreciate any efforts to get the word around and encourage friends and players to join. You're our priority and we need your help.

~Community Gatherings,

Our first milestone..
New community launched
2 条留言
Espen 2014 年 6 月 24 日 上午 7:43 
Looking for friends who play co op
DANGER_ARCHI 2014 年 6 月 15 日 上午 10:28 
5 聊天中
2013 年 2 月 17 日