Dead Man's Hand Squadron [DMHS]
Dead Man's Hand Squadron [DMHS]
1 de junio de 2012
ACERCA DE Dead Man's Hand Squadron

We are The Dead Men

In every age of human history, in every conflict, and in every way that those conflicts have been fought there is a type of warrior that is universally found. Some Men and Women fight for honor or country, some for their homes and their way of life, some even believe they can make their world or the universe a better place. Then there are those, whether they started their careers with one of those so called 'noble' ideals or not, that are just warriors and risk takers because it is all they were meant to do.

These individuals fight because they like to fight. Be they originally professional soldier or outlaw, regardless of personal belief, gender, or age they kill because they are good at it... they enjoy it and the risks they take in battle that surge of adrenaline in staring down the reaper is the only way to feel alive anymore. Eventually all the other reasons fall away for these warriors. In time their oaths of service constrict them to the battles others want them to fight and their causes tell them that when you win you lay down your arms, this is not enough. They find each other and they band together in mutual support outside of traditional military forces, or gangs or clans. So long as there is a war to fight they will seek it out, money is not the motivation only the means to celebrate and re-arm before the next battle.

The Dead Men are such pilots. To a Dead Man there is no sweeter sound than the roar of high caliber weapons, no more beautiful sight than a vaporized enemy, no more glorious sound than the shriek of an engine during a battle. They are called madmen and suicidal, but they are truly free knowing that they live on borrowed time and it is of their own choice.

The dead fear nothing because they risk nothing. If you live you can kill again and if you die it doesn't matter. So if war is nothing but a game to you should consider letting go of your fear and playing out the Dead Man's Hand.

The Dead Man's Hand official website[]
Steam Group Cleanup
Descisions and Vote Results From The Spring 2015 SOTDMH
From Agent of Change:

The following is the general results of the most recent State of the DMH meeting. All TBD items in the results section will have threads or be actioned in the coming week or so. please stand by for those changes, notifications will be made visible on our website. All relevant rights will be applied within the week

Meeting/Voting Results:

• Minimum Age for new recruits to be posted on the Application page as part of the Application process and applied to new applicants is now 18 years of age.

• A "Funeral Period" will occur after Application Approval and will act as a probationary period during which the member will Not be able to Vote or Vouch.

• The Funeral Period Will last until ended by the Officers Council at a monthly Council meeting.

• Members in their Funeral Period will have a visible tag in TS to denote their status, TBD.

• Minimum Required Vouches for application approval has been raised from 6 to 9, this will be posted on the Application page as part of the Application process and applied to new applicants

• Minimum time from Application to approval has been extended from 24 hours to 7 days, this will be posted on the Application page as part of the Application process and applied to new applicants

• An Application will be summarily terminated if a period of 14 days (2 weeks) passes without new vouch, this will be posted on the Application page as part of the Application process and applied to new applicants

• The Officers Council may terminate an application or revoke membership to a person in their funeral period on a unanimous vote at their discretion for reasons that must be made visible to the rest of the membership.

• The Officers Council will consist of The Clan leader, All standing Executive Officers, All Standing Training Officers. Meeting structure and schedule, along with defined power TBD.

• Agent of Change has been elected to Clan Leader with 66% or more of the submitted votes.

• The Following members Have been elected as Standing Executive Officers with 66% or more of the submitted votes:
El Queso, Foxhound, Leatherneck, Longshot, Muffin Man, The Anger

• The Following members Have been elected as Standing Training Officers with 51% or more of the submitted votes:
Azmyth, Brodur, InMidnightclad, SCCOJake, _StahlStiglietz_

• Saurkraut has been elected to Art/Graphic Director with 51% or more of the submitted votes.

• The Following members have been elected to Web Admin with 51% or more of the submitted votes.
Agent of Change, Archwright, Muffinman, The Anger

• The Following members have been elected to Steam group Admin with 51% or more of the submitted votes:
Jberg, KnownKnave, Swoop, Zouron

• The Following members have been elected to Event Directors with 51% or more of the submitted votes.
Hasbro, MuffinMan, Swoop

• An Officers Roster will be generated and posted for reference on the Web site, TBD

Final Full Poll Results:

Topic 2. Change in recruiting policy (will require several votes and some discussion)

Institute a Minimum Age for recruiting going forward?
16 25% (9)
18 47% (17)
21 3% (1)
No Minimum with disclaimer 25% (9)
Total votes: 36

The funeral period for new approvals lasts until ended by the Officers council, which will meet monthly.
Yes 91% (30)
No 3% (1)
Suggest other ending. 6% (2)
Total votes: 33

Should the Funeral system be a visible TAG or should it be a quiet probation?
Visible 56% (19)
Quiet probabtion 44% (15)
Total votes: 34

How many vouches are required?
Keep the same - 6 17% (6)
Raise - 9 80% (28 )
Raise -16 3% (1)
Total votes: 35

Minimum duration for vouching period?
24 hours 11% (4)
7 days 60% (21)
14 days 29% (10)
Total votes: 35

Time period since the last vouch as grounds for application denial.
1 week 11% (4)
2 weeks 69% (24)
1 month 20% (7)
Total votes: 35

Can officers Council terminate a funeral period or application for reasons they deem appropriate on a unanimous vote?
Yes 100% (34)
No 0% (0)
Total votes: 34

Topic 3. Officer Election
Should the Officer Council consist of...
Just Clan Leader and Executive Officers 20% (6)
All Officers (including Training Officers)60% (18)
All Officers Including rank and file DMH members in a TBD manner 20% (6)
Total votes: 30

- Clan Leader
Agent of Change Clan VoiceLeadeer/Alderman..
Yes 100% (35)
No 0% (0)
Total votes: 35

- Executive Officers -
Blaster112 for Executive Officer
Yes 31% (9)
No 69% (20)
Total votes: 29

El Queso for Executive Officer
Yes 82% (27)
No 18% (6)
Total votes: 33

FoxHound for Executive Officer
Yes 88% (29)
No 12% (4)
Total votes: 33

Leatherneck for Executive Officer
Yes 67% (22)
No 33% (11)
Total votes: 33

Longshot for Executive Officer
Yes 97% (32)
No 3% (1)
Total votes: 33

MuffinMan for Executive Officer
Yes 68% (21)
No 32% (10)
Total votes: 31

The Anger for Executive Officer
Yes 79% (27)
No 21% (7)
Total votes: 34

- Training instructors
Azmyth for Training Officer
Yes 81% (21)
No 19% (5)
Total votes: 26

Brodur for Training Officer
Yes 68% (17)
No 32% (8 )
Total votes: 25

InMidnightClad For Training Officer
Yes 71% (20)
No 29% (8 )
Total votes: 28

SCCOJake for Training Officer
Yes 78% (25)
No 22% (7)
Total votes: 32

Stahl For Training officer
Yes 87% (26)
No 13% (4)
Total votes: 30

Topic 4. Clan Service positions
- Clan Graphic design/artist lead
Saurkraut for Graphic Design Director
Yes 96% (25)
No 4% (1)
Total votes: 26

- Web Admin: (Currently held by Agent and Anger)
Agent Of Change for WebAdmin
Yes 82% (28 )
No 18% (6)
Total votes: 34

Archwright for WebAdmin
Yes 75% (24)
No 25% (8 )
Total votes: 32

MuffinMan for WebAdmin
Yes 69% (22)
No 31% (10)
Total votes: 32

The Anger for Web Admin
Yes 94% (32)
No 6% (2)
Total votes: 34

- Steam Group Admin (DMH members have been voted in but no management has occurred)
Jberg for Steam group
Yes 70% (21)
No 30% (9)
Total votes: 30

KnownKnave for Steam group
Yes 95% (21)
No 5% (1)
Total votes: 22

Swoop for Steam group
Yes 81% (17)
No 19% (4)
Total votes: 21

Zouron for Steam group
Yes 86% (25)
No 14% (4)
Total votes: 29

- Events coordinator(s):
Habro: Racing Games Event Coordinator
Yes 100% (23)
No 0% (0)
Total votes: 23

MuffinMan: MOBAs & MMOs Event Coordinator
Yes 96% (22)
No 4% (1)
Total votes: 23

Swoop: Warframe Event Coordinator
Yes 90% (19)
No 10% (2)
Total votes: 21

5 comentarios
Dolly 11 AGO 2013 a las 5:36 a. m. 
It has been some time since I visited this page... damn...
HachidanKotatsu 11 AGO 2013 a las 3:57 a. m. 
I didn't even know that this was in here.
Leatherneck_ 16 MAY 2013 a las 8:37 a. m. 
We really got up date this.
Dolly 17 JUL 2012 a las 5:48 a. m. 
ADD MEE!! hehe xP
[͢D̕M҉HS]҉ ͢M҉i̶sa 15 JUL 2012 a las 3:20 a. m. 
hey guys, could you possibly add my other account? the eviscerator one. Because I play MB on that account, but play other games on this account. I will probably swap over to the eviscerator account, after I buy some more games. Till then, please invite my other account. :P cya in space!
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1 de junio de 2012