No Bronies NoBronies
No Bronies NoBronies
3 July, 2012
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A bronie who is such a bender.

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Lunaa 20 Jun, 2016 @ 7:11pm 
i don't think i need to say anything, you got roasted badly.
IvoryF 24 Apr, 2016 @ 12:57am 
I love how that he, and I quote "claims to have a wife and family." I do hope you realize that you most likely doing this out of pure anger.
RiskyGunsen 23 Feb, 2016 @ 2:00am 
Lel that is correct Pegasisters are in this too xD So when you say bronies you are also talking about pegasisters lel
erin 7 Aug, 2015 @ 2:33pm 
He really had to make you mad beacouse you came here crying about it xD
Goob 31 May, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
why are brony's even in this group, it's called no bronys for a reason! im an anti-brony and proud
Kallistos 4 Mar, 2015 @ 11:58am 
You know some people as you prever "Brony" Well some of us are actually not men.We go by Pega Sisters.So are you only talking to Bronys or both Bronies and Pega sisters?
! 11 Dec, 2014 @ 12:19pm 
"Iv been having a flame war with him for a day now"
So, you don't have a life? Also, with your 8 year old diction, you shouldn't be calling other people children. And while I'm on a roll, don't be telling other people to spam his YouTube account. That's illegal, and could land you in serious trouble. So, I'm saving your ass. Your welcome. Have a wonderful day!

Tytygigas 7 Jul, 2014 @ 10:45am 
uh, are you ok? you seem to have had a short mental breakdown there for a sec.