ArksBestCluster ABCluster
ArksBestCluster ABCluster
10. März 2017
ÜBER ArksBestCluster

Welcome To Arks Best Cluster!

We are Arks Best Cluster ! The best server on ARK: Survival Evolved. Come join us and get access to both official exciting maps. We offer balanced servers, minimal to no lag, great admins and only the best mods.

The Island Server|
Scorched Earth Server|
Max Dino LVL 150
Max Player LVL 200
We are dedicated to bring you a fair and balanced server, which means;

No mid season changes!
Rules, multipliers, mods ect. Whatever we start the season with is how we will end it! Before the end of the season we will vote for changes for the next one.

Rules are set in stone!
No grey areas and no admin interference. We are neutral and hope all of you kill each other, we need the entertainments too!

Seasons are predetermined!
No unexpected wipes! Nothing sucks more than sinking hours and hours into something to find out the server wiped on a the whim of an admin!

Want more ACTION? Try your luck at raiding the admin base or completing one of the mazes for great loot! Click here for more info

TIP YOUR ADMINS FOR PERKS, Check the Perks announcement page.

Our premiere season will be 3 months, starting 03/12/2017 to 06/11/2017 We are currently running two servers; The Island and Scorched Earth. All settings are 30x all.

Discord Link[]

Please Check out our Announcements page for Mod List and Rules!
Admin Raid Bases and The Maze
We are pleased to bring you extra content! Try your luck at raiding the Admin Structure bases or running The Maze!

Base Raiding:

Admin Structure bases are raidable any time! No ORP! But be warned, if admin is online we will defend our homestead :) We offer 3 difficulties with according loot inside.

Currently we have 1 Hard Mode base active and ready to be raided @ 72.0/70.2

Two more bases are under construction.

The Maze

The Maze is a challenging series of rooms in which you must clear dinos to get chests that will help you complete the rest of The Maze within the set ammount of time and claim your prize!

Starting out:

The Maze is only accessible if an Admin is online. Contact an Admin when you are ready and we will teleport you over. Make sure you are naked and nothing slotted or equipped.

In the first room you will be given starter equipment and weapons and when you are ready the Admin will unlock the first door.

All doors proceeding will be PIN coded 1234.

Chests will have loot that will help you complete future rooms.

If you are successful in making it to the final room and clear all the dinos, you will be able to claim your epic prize!

You will be unsuccessful if you die at any point in The Maze or the time runs out.

To gain entry to The Maze you will need to exchange 2 PP for Easy Mode, 4 for Medium and 6 for Hard. Prizes scale with difficulty.

Are you up for the challenge?

Welcome to the Perks!
Our Server is dedicated and very powerful, with this comes a heavy monthly price tag, which the admins pay from their own pockets. Tips are very much appreciated and will ensure the server stays up and running!

Tips will grant you Perk Points!
1$ = 1 Perk Point


Admins will keep records of points, ask if you are unsure!

All Perk Points unspent will roll over to next season!!

Redeeming Your Points For Perks!
Contact an Admin through Steam or Discord and delivery will be aranged.

Farming Dinos:

Ankylo-----------(LVL150) 3 PP ********** (LVL 300) 6 PP
Doed--------------(LVL 150) 3 PP ********* (LVL 300) 6 PP
Mantis------------(LVL 150) 5 PP ********* (LVL 300) 10 PP
Beaver-----------(LVL 150) 4 PP ********* (LVL 300) 8 PP
Therizino--------(LVL 150) 5 PP ********* (LVL 300) 10 PP

Travel Dinos:

Ptera--------------(LVL 150) 4 PP ******** (LVL 300) 8 PP
Argent------------(LVL 150) 4 PP ******** (LVL 300) 8 PP
Tapejara---------(LVL 150) 3 PP ******** (LVL 300) 6 PP
Wyvern ---------(LVL 150) 5 PP ******** (LVL 300) 10 PP

Raid Dinos:

Neutered: Breedable:

Quetzal -------- (LVL 150) 3 PP ******** (LVL 300) 5 PP
Carbo ----------- (LVL 150) 2 PP ******** (LVL 300) 3 PP
Rex ------------- (LVL 150) 3 PP ******** (LVL 300) 5 PP
Giga ------------ (LVL 150) 4 PP ******** (LVL 300) 7 PP
Mossa --------- (LVL 150) 3 PP ******** (LVL 300) 5 PP


Quetzal -------- (LVL 150) 8 PP ******** (LVL 300) 15 PP
Carbo ----------- (LVL 150) 6 PP ******** (LVL 300) 12 PP
Rex ------------- (LVL 150) 8 PP ******** (LVL 300) 15 PP
Giga ------------ (LVL 150) 10 PP ******** (LVL 300) 20 PP

Defence Packages:

Package # 1 (20 PP):
20 Turrets, 2 Generators, 8 Square Internal Wiring, 8 Wall Internal Wiring, 2 Outlets, 2000 Gas, 20,000 Bullets

Package # 2 (40 PP):
40 Turrets, 4 Generators, 16 Square Internal Wiring, 16 Wall Internal Wiring, 4 Outlets, 4000 Gas, 40,000 Bullets

Package # 3 (75 PP):
100 Turrets, 10 Generators, 100 Square Internal Wiring, 100 Wall Internal Wiring, 20 Outlets, 20k Gas, 100,000 Bullets

Base Packages:

Package #1 (5 PP):

Chem Bench x 1, Smithy x 1, Fabricator x 1, Bunk Bed x 1, Fridge x 1, Generator x 1, Outlet x 2, Square Interal Wiring x 5, Wall Internal Wiring x 5, Gas x 1000

Package #2 (10 PP):

Chem Bench x 3, Smithy x 1, Fabricator x 3, Bunk Bed x 2, Fridge x 3, Generator x 2, Outlet x 4, Square Interal Wiring x 10, Wall Internal Wiring x 10, Gas x 2500

Package # 3 (30 PP):

Chem Bench x 4, Smithy x 1, Fabricator x 4, Bunk Bed x 2, Fridge x 4, Generator x 2, Outlet x 4, Square Interal Wiring x 10, Wall Internal Wiring x 10, Gas x 2500, Mini Industrial Forge x 2, Industrial Grinder x 1

ASC Longneck/Club/Sniper ********************* 10 PP
ASC Ptera/ Argent Saddle ********************** 10 PP
ASC Quetz/Doed/Carbo/Mossa Saddle ******* 15 PP
ASC Rocket Launcher ************************** 18 PP
ASC Giga/Rex Saddle ************************** 20 PP

If the item you want to have is not on this list, contact an admin and an arrangment can be made! ADMINS WILL NEVER WIPE A TRIBE FOR TIPS!


5 Kommentare
Zenner 3. Apr. 2017 um 8:49 
Also, getting mod version mis-match now and cant login to server...
Zenner 3. Apr. 2017 um 6:37 
When I pick up a wyvern egg it does NOT appear in my inventory. Are they disabled or is it a bug?

Also Rexes dont spawn on our server, never seen them. Are they also disabled? Trying to figure out how to do bosses without them... hmm.

I'm playing in scorched server and loving it and the QOL mods. Was excited to figure out how to get eggs without speedy argies...
Ponko 1. Apr. 2017 um 21:17 
Rip the server is down
Pooprint 11. März 2017 um 21:59 
Click the Mod List link or check the announcements page!
Grace 11. März 2017 um 15:45 
Where do I see the mods?

Chat betreten
10. März 2017